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amak11 said:
VanceIX said:
amak11 said:
VanceIX said:

I JUST quoted actual sales numbers. You expect a game on a console that will sell a lot less than either the Wii or even the Gamecube to match Twilight Princess sales? OK. You're wrong though, I 100% guarantee it. Call me worse than the CoD kids if you want (and isn't that their "opinion" that CoD is the next best thing? Why are you bashing them for an "opinion"?), it won't change the fact that your statement is delusional. Especially on a site that deals with sales, you can't get away with "opinions", especially when they're so far off from what will happen.

And yes, I was aware that Aonuma wanted to play around with the art style. What I wasn't aware of was that it would be an upgraded Skyward Sword. 

Continuing with the "I'm wrong" game. I wont argue with a person as dense as you. You aren't even worthy of any more decent thought

And you aren't? You said it would match Twilight Princess in sales (7 million sold). To do that, 100% of the current Wii U owners would have to purchase it. Unless Nintendo gives it away for free to every Wii U owner, it will never reach that level. Even if you factor in lifetime sales, almost 50% of all Wii U owners will have to purchase it. Ain't happening. To put in perspective, only 20% of GC owners bought Wind Waker, and less than 10% of Wii owners bought TP. Less than 5% of Wii owners bought SS.

You're right though, it's time to end this argument. You obviously won't listen to facts or reason, so feel free to be disappointed when the sales don't come close to what you expect. 

Do you really want to know why I don't believe you? Because you are being a total asshole in this situation and most people here would agree with that fact. You are not listening to reason and facts here. I'm coming at you with an opinion you are telling me i'm wrong. I take offense to that, and I tell you that your opinion is NOT a damn fact. You're being a dense... grr... forget it. This whole thread is the blind leading the blind. You need to see someone about your ego because one day you'll be put in your place by someone who just doesn't like you. I'm evaluating this situation and you are agrovating it. 

On a side note, if a moderator wants to ban me. Please PM me before banning so I can at least explain the situation. I hope this ____ gets a ban for flame baiting. 

Flame baiting? I said your idea of it selling 7 million was wrong. In a community BUILT on sales discussion, you honestly expect that not to get called out? I don't know how new you are to VGChartz, but people get entire threads dedicated to their predictions getting called out. You have to learn to deal with it. If you want everyone to play fair with your sales opinions, you're posting on the wrong site.

That being said, where are these "facts" you mentioned? You've been going on and on, even after I gave you numerical sales figures. Tell me, what in the world can you say to support the Zelda U matching Twilight Princess's success with 7 million sold? TP sold more software units than the Wii U has managed to sell hardware units in roughly the same time. C'mon.

                                                                                                               You're Gonna Carry That Weight.

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