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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS4 & Wii U duking it out. End of 2K14 sales prediction Thread.

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Twilord said:

The Wii-U has Mario Kart and Smash Bros - THIS YEAR. Those are traditionally two of the most important titles of any generation for almost any Nintendo fan or multi-console owner. I'm not saying the PS4 is gonna do shitty, I'm saying that the Wii-U is about to have its most badass year while the PS4 is probably gonna have its best year next year. 

Multiplatform titles are obviously very important, but they're gonna mean FAR less for system sales when they're also available on last gen consoles after the hype settles and people can finally take a good look at the newborn twins. I suspect the PS4 will still sell alot but don't under-estimate the sales power of what Nintendo is offering - lets assume Mario Kart only sells 2 million Wii-U's over the year (despite the outrageous deal on offer and the game's history of spreading by word of mouth); lets assume that Smash Bros can only pull off the same despite its new-found willingness to work for and with its insanely dedicated fanbase; that still leaves any combination of X, Bayonetta, Yarn Yoshi, FExSMT, Sonic Boom, Hyrule Warriors AND general sales to carry it for another 2 million. 

As you can tell by my mathes here, I was being pretty god-damned restrained with my estimates. Especially when you consider that in order to sell that ammount the PS4 would need to maintain the high it has gotten from the uber-hyped Watch_Dogs, which is FAAAR more likely to only last the week you predicted.


The PS4 outsells all other consoles globally on its base alone. Everytime it gets a multiplat, it gets a boost significant enough to counter the Wii U's arguably biggest game. 

Just because MK8 is succesful, Nintendo fans now think that their games will save them. Basic Pattern recognition tells you that only one of those games you listed will come close to outselling 3DWorld let alone catching up to MK8.

Bayonetta 2 will do more for the Wii U then Infamous 3 did for the PS4.

Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem will also do a really good boost.

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Kaizar said:

Bayonetta 2 will do more for the Wii U then Infamous 3 did for the PS4.


In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Kaizar said:

Bayonetta 2 will do more for the Wii U then Infamous 3 did for the PS4.


By selling less Lifetime than Infamous first week lol

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

Twilord said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

Whether or not the WIi U will suddenly outsell the PS4, or vice versa is irrelevant. Fact is, there is no reason to think that the PS4's sales will slow while the Wii U's will increase.

Hype can fade, which would hurt the PS4 sales; exclusives stack up, which will help the Wii-U most this year.

To say the PS4 is selling off of hype is disengious. Why would PS4 hype die and Wii U hype increase. Not to mention the Wii U has a year and half worth of exclusives over it.

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

especially when you consider the age, 3rd party suppport, and popular appeals of the consoles. 

The age is sorta irrelevant compared to what games are on the console; I'll give you third parties but right now much of their stuff is still available on last generation. Also the "popular appeal" is great and all, but when hype fades thats not gonna matter as much - I'll grant you its pretty damn awesome Sony have worked their hype so well and that the PS4 will dominate 2015, but "popular appeal" is subjective and extremely malleable with the right titles, not something that gets built into a console.

Age is typically popular. The Wii U is rare in that not only is it selling bad despite being the first on the market, but it has also gotten outsold globally in less then 5 months by the competition. Popular Appeal =/= hype. Popular Appeal is what lead the Wii to victory last gen. This gen, the PS4 is known as the gamer's console, that's popular appeal. Hype is only really a factor in the first few months of a products life, we are in 2014. There is no way to spin the PS4's sucess.

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

3.7 million in 6 months versus 1 million in 6 months. Even selling twice that the remaining 6 months for a total of 3 mil ytd, it will have yet to pass the benchmark set by the PS4 up till now, let alone the remaining 6 months the PS4 has.

The Wii-U sold that with all of one game this year. Donkey Kong was never gonna be a real system seller despite Nintendo's misguided beliefs (I own a Wii-U and didn't bother with it), what they have scheduled for the rest of this year however is a damn promising line-up. Again its a matter of having the right games.

The fact that W101 is 7th on Amazon means that the idea that only this year's worth of games is selling any console is ridiculous. It works for the PS4 and XB1 cause they pretty much only had their launch games and indie releases, but the Wii U released in 2012, its was selling at its baseline because of its library.

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

I.e. thats 12 months(being generous here) of Wii U failing to outsell 6 months of PS4. This is even assuming the PS4 dropped off the face of the planet this month and stopped sellling entirely. Even for the sake of argument, if XB1 followed this hypothetical wii U path and sold 4.5 million consoles this ytd, outselling the PS4's current total by about 0.8 milliion, that still leaves a global gap of half a million between the 2.

This is even if the PS4 sold 0 units between now and January 1st. There is even less justification for this then their is that the Wii U sales will increase significantly. And yet the PS4 selling poorly is a prime factor in these "calculations".

My caculation puts both the Wii-U and PS4 as selling the same amount (well nearly) from now on... admittedly the more math I think on it the more I feel like I might have under-estimated the Wii-U by too much and even underestimate the PS4 a little but still.

I'll let you have a say on whether I post a new estimate or not.

Which makes more sense to you, A or B.

A. 10 Million Wii-U and 12 Million PS4.

B. 12 Million Wii-U and 13 Million PS4.

Neither, the situation with the Wii U is that it is behaving like the XB1, only boosted by system sellers. If that is the case, there is little reason to believe the Wii U will sell at the same rate as the PS4. A is only more reasonable because at the same rate the gap would be maintained, if not increased.

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

The PS4 was predicted to fail prior to release. What makes you think that now makes it any more likely to happen?

Who the hell said the PS4 would fail? I said that its first year after its launch isn't going to be its strongest and that the Wii-U is looking damn sweet this year. You've seen the "Who Will Win E3" thread I made; check the votes if you don't think Nintendo is set to actually start making this year count! 

Revisionist history. I could find the threads but anyone who has been here for more than a month will know what I'm talking about. The predictions went along something like this "Because of the PS3, the PS4 will flop. Because of the Wii, the Wii U will be first again."

Just because I think I'm being generous by saying the PS4 will also pull off four million more (in half a year) than its current sales doesn't I'm discounting it as a console. Though it does explain why people seem to be getting so aggressive.'

A generous, albiet rough estimate would be. 12 million PS4, 8 Million WIi U, 6 million (XB1), this is ofc assuming that the PS4 sells at the same rate, and the XB1 and Wii U sell at twice the rate for the rest of the year.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Kaizar said:

Bayonetta 2 will do more for the Wii U then Infamous 3 did for the PS4.


Bayonetta 1 is loved by more people then Infamous 2. And therefore has more of a following that will buy the next installment. Plus the better more well known reputation of previous Bayonetta game, compare to that of the first 2 Infamous games. And some other factors I suppose.

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Kaizar said:

Bayonetta 1 is loved by more people then Infamous 2.

I see.

And therefore has more of a following that will buy the next installment.

Is that a fact?

Plus the better more well known reputation of previous Bayonetta game,

You don't say?

compare to that of the first 2 Infamous games.

PosGamePlatformYearGenrePublisherNorth AmericaEuropeJapanRest of WorldGlobal
1 inFAMOUS PS3 2009 Action Sony Computer Entertainment 1.67 0.65 0.12 0.33 2.77
2 inFAMOUS 2 PS3 2011 Action Sony Computer Entertainment 0.97 0.43 0.08 0.19 1.67
3 inFAMOUS: Second Son PS4 2014 Action Sony Computer Entertainment 0.71 0.45 0.05 0.15 1.36
PosGamePlatformYearGenrePublisherNorth AmericaEuropeJapanRest of WorldGlobal
1 Bayonetta PS3 2009 Action Sega 0.41 0.36 0.21 0.15 1.13
2 Bayonetta X360 2009 Action Sega 0.49 0.23 0.09 0.08 0.89
3 Bayonetta 2 WiiU 2014 Action PlatinumGames 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

And some other factors I suppose.


Such as?

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Experimental42 said:
The difference is the Giants are a team you cheer for and likely represent your community. A Wii U is a chunk of plastic filled with electronics that you buy. There's a huge difference. Do you take pride in having bought a Zune? No.

no, you could be a fan of Miami and never have stepped foot there. The irony is, this is coming from a guy who MADE a thread about why Ninty fans are excited. If you didnt take any pride why fight so hard? WHy make a thread? Hell why didnt you just continue to lurk?

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

Kaizar said:

Bayonetta 1 is loved by more people then Infamous 2.

I see.

And therefore has more of a following that will buy the next installment.

Is that a fact?

Plus the better more well known reputation of previous Bayonetta game,

You don't say?

compare to that of the first 2 Infamous games.

PosGamePlatformYearGenrePublisherNorth AmericaEuropeJapanRest of WorldGlobal
1 inFAMOUS PS3 2009 Action Sony Computer Entertainment 1.67 0.65 0.12 0.33 2.77
2 inFAMOUS 2 PS3 2011 Action Sony Computer Entertainment 0.97 0.43 0.08 0.19 1.67
3 inFAMOUS: Second Son PS4 2014 Action Sony Computer Entertainment 0.71 0.45 0.05 0.15 1.36
PosGamePlatformYearGenrePublisherNorth AmericaEuropeJapanRest of WorldGlobal
1 Bayonetta PS3 2009 Action Sega 0.41 0.36 0.21 0.15 1.13
2 Bayonetta X360 2009 Action Sega 0.49 0.23 0.09 0.08 0.89
3 Bayonetta 2 WiiU 2014 Action PlatinumGames 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

And some other factors I suppose.


Such as?

man i dont know if people are ignorant or stupid. For God's sake its a damn sales website, do the research before making yourself look foolish, por favor!

I'll tell you why Bayonetta 2 will sell more hardware than Second Son will: The environment.

Infamous is on a system where its primary audience is more likely to already have the hardware, and can easily get lost amongst other sandbox titles.

Bayonetta 2 has a devoted cult following who aren't generally the type of gamers to have a Wii U. It's also the only character action game that's currently available for next gen consoles this year.

It's pulling in an entire audience that is untapped on the market and is foreign to Wii U. It's not going to be a long lasting boost because almost the whole audience that's going to pay new retail will have it in the first week or so, but I bet the Wii U sales boost is disproportionately large compared to other Nintendo titles. I'd expect something like 30% of all the copies sold will move a Wii U depending on if Nintendo sweetens the deal enough.

oniyide said:
Experimental42 said:
The difference is the Giants are a team you cheer for and likely represent your community. A Wii U is a chunk of plastic filled with electronics that you buy. There's a huge difference. Do you take pride in having bought a Zune? No.

no, you could be a fan of Miami and never have stepped foot there. The irony is, this is coming from a guy who MADE a thread about why Ninty fans are excited. If you didnt take any pride why fight so hard? WHy make a thread? Hell why didnt you just continue to lurk?

I didn't know making a thread explaining why something exists was fighting hard for a cause.


If I'm fighting for Nintendo, it's only because I'm trying to explain how I see something. If the Wii U flops hard again after last week's sale, I'll simply be wrong on how I thought something would play out. It's not like the sky is falling or the first time I've ever been wrong at predicting the future. I'm not going to start cheering at a $300 chunk of plastic like that's going to motivate it, that's f*cking retarded.