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I'll tell you why Bayonetta 2 will sell more hardware than Second Son will: The environment.

Infamous is on a system where its primary audience is more likely to already have the hardware, and can easily get lost amongst other sandbox titles.

Bayonetta 2 has a devoted cult following who aren't generally the type of gamers to have a Wii U. It's also the only character action game that's currently available for next gen consoles this year.

It's pulling in an entire audience that is untapped on the market and is foreign to Wii U. It's not going to be a long lasting boost because almost the whole audience that's going to pay new retail will have it in the first week or so, but I bet the Wii U sales boost is disproportionately large compared to other Nintendo titles. I'd expect something like 30% of all the copies sold will move a Wii U depending on if Nintendo sweetens the deal enough.