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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Assuming it releases, could Watch Dogs U do well enough to begin establishing a base on the Wii U?

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What do you think?

Pfft, it's totally canceled. 17 11.56%
It'll release, but it'l... 32 21.77%
Yeah, Ubisoft might have ... 35 23.81%
It'll do okay, might eve... 20 13.61%
It'll establish a small ... 26 17.69%
Wii U! How U will play next! :B 10 6.80%
How the heck should I know?! (See results) 6 4.08%

The game is already out on 5 other platforms. The majority of WiiU owners interested in the game will have already bought it.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

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If they polish it up a bit like Deus Ex: HR for WiiU I may still be interested in buying 3 months from now. It'll certainly get washed out in the release of actual first party titles in the last 3 months of the year, though.

No matter what I don't think the game has a chance of doing more than 300K.

Luck said:
pokoko said:
No. Not enough jumping for Nintendo fans.

Really, though, you can't really compare with PC physical numbers. Digital will comprise a much, much greater percentage of sales on PC than on consoles.

I'll be really surprised if it does well on Wii U. I don't even think it's a test at this point, but more of a "eh, why not" move. It would be kind of nifty if Nintendo fans showed them that they're interested in more than Mario and Zelda, though. However, those that want to play it, and have other systems, aren't likely to wait, making it a gimped version from the start.

You forgot to add that it's not a game for kids.

And Metroid is? And what about Wii Fit or Brain Age? Kid friendly, but not for kids. Or how about Eternal Darkness? Or Geist? Or Xenoblade Chronicles? Or The Last Story? Or Pandora's Tower? Smash Bros. isn't even really kid friendly either. You beat the shit out of people, that's the whole game. There's a reason it's not rated E. And how about Golden Eye 007? Or Conker's Bad Fur Day (sold best on N64, not Xbox)? And then there's Baten Kaitos, what about that? F-Zero isn't exactly kid friendly either. Killer Instinct was originally a Nintendo game as well, as was Perfect Dark, and they did just fine without being kid games.

Maybe if they make it a special edition it will sell enough to at least keep Ubisoft as a third-party publisher.

HylianSwordsman said:

And Metroid is? And what about Wii Fit or Brain Age? Kid friendly, but not for kids. Or how about Eternal Darkness? Or Geist? Or Xenoblade Chronicles? Or The Last Story? Or Pandora's Tower? Smash Bros. isn't even really kid friendly either. You beat the shit out of people, that's the whole game. There's a reason it's not rated E. And how about Golden Eye 007? Or Conker's Bad Fur Day (sold best on N64, not Xbox)? And then there's Baten Kaitos, what about that? F-Zero isn't exactly kid friendly either. Killer Instinct was originally a Nintendo game as well, as was Perfect Dark, and they did just fine without being kid games.

I agree with you, I was just adding to his list of stereotypes.

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Luck said:

I agree with you, I was just adding to his list of stereotypes.

Ah...I feel dumb now.

RolStoppable said:
People don't buy Nintendo consoles to play hand-me-down games. That's the primary reason why multiplatform games sell so bad.

Fair enough. I'd agree there's about a 100% chance that it will sell exactly 0 Wii Us. However, people who already own multiple platforms and are huge fans of the game might buy it twice, if there's a good reason to buy it a second time, such as a unique new way to play. Haven't you ever bought a game twice? I know I have. Granted, most games I do this for are Nintendo games, but I've done it for the occasional 3rd Party like Kingdom Hearts, and I'm not the only one that does this sort of thing. Since it's a relatively new IP and not one that's been established for years on another console like Assassin's Creed, I feel like it has a better chance than say, Mass Effect 3, the third game in a series that's never been on the console before and whose gameplay depends somewhat on you having played the previous entries on the same system. Also, it's not appearing over a year later, and if it actually makes good use of the gamepad, I'd be willing to try it. It's the only reason I'm interested in the game. Surely I'm not the only one who's only interested in the version that uses the Gamepad? I know you hate the Gamepad, but a lot of Wii U owners don't, and want a game that lets them actually use the Gamepad.

There is a chance of decent sales, but it will depend on several factors..
Price, because the other ones will be very cheap by that time.
Extra content, if they add some or all of the DLC on disc it will improve the value of the game
Gamepad features, if well implemented

Some people on my group that is only a Wii U owner is interested on the game and it could do some decent numbers, but not too high, maybe 250k WW or a little more because of the release season, but they need to announce if it will comes with any extras ASAP to keep people interested.

Once this game was delayed past the release on other consoles, it was doomed to do bad on Wii U,sadly

NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

RolStoppable said:

The Wii U version (if it doesn't get cancelled) will be $60 and offer nothing significant. Apparently the hacking in Watch Dogs is so simplified that the Gamepad can't offer anything good.

I hope that's not true, but if it is, then the Wii U version, if it doesn't get canceled, will sell under 100k. My entire OP is based on the idea that the delay was specifically for unique Wii U features and not just to give it a graphical touchup and put the minimap on the gamepad. If Ubisoft is that stupid, Wii U doesn't really need their support. And if the hacking is that simple, I won't be missing the game.