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Luck said:
pokoko said:
No. Not enough jumping for Nintendo fans.

Really, though, you can't really compare with PC physical numbers. Digital will comprise a much, much greater percentage of sales on PC than on consoles.

I'll be really surprised if it does well on Wii U. I don't even think it's a test at this point, but more of a "eh, why not" move. It would be kind of nifty if Nintendo fans showed them that they're interested in more than Mario and Zelda, though. However, those that want to play it, and have other systems, aren't likely to wait, making it a gimped version from the start.

You forgot to add that it's not a game for kids.

And Metroid is? And what about Wii Fit or Brain Age? Kid friendly, but not for kids. Or how about Eternal Darkness? Or Geist? Or Xenoblade Chronicles? Or The Last Story? Or Pandora's Tower? Smash Bros. isn't even really kid friendly either. You beat the shit out of people, that's the whole game. There's a reason it's not rated E. And how about Golden Eye 007? Or Conker's Bad Fur Day (sold best on N64, not Xbox)? And then there's Baten Kaitos, what about that? F-Zero isn't exactly kid friendly either. Killer Instinct was originally a Nintendo game as well, as was Perfect Dark, and they did just fine without being kid games.