kljesta64 said: can someone explain why ps4 got a boost an x1 did not ? |
It's been undertracked for awhile, while the One was overtracked. Watch Dogs also had exclusive content for the PS4, among the other reasons PS4 is selling better.
kljesta64 said: can someone explain why ps4 got a boost an x1 did not ? |
It's been undertracked for awhile, while the One was overtracked. Watch Dogs also had exclusive content for the PS4, among the other reasons PS4 is selling better.
If Mario Kart 8 released Tuesday instead of Friday, it might have beaten it.
Wow. Having Mario Kart 8 for the Wii U, & having Watch Dogs heavily associated with the PS4 sure helped those two consoles in sales.
Ka-pi96 said:
still doesnt make sense only 10k lol cant wait to see software of both consoles i think something is wrong here.
Tsubasa Ozora
Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.
kljesta64 said:
I doubt it. It sold 120k the previous week, and all retailers said the hardware sales went up with WD releasing. And +80k seems like a reasonable jump, considering the hype of the game.
Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean you are necessarily right.
mornelithe said:
I'm actually kind of curious to see how that plays out. Bungie's currently showcasing Destiny on the PS4, so it's basically getting the publicity along with the exclusive content. It'll be interesting to see if Microsoft puts their marketing muscle behind it, regardless of what Bungie/Sony do. And will XBO owners be as excited for Destiny as PS4 owners, with the different advertising focus (if it's slanted towards PS4 that is, they have a huge budget ~500 million, so they could conceivably afford the media blitz for both machines). |
MS won't be able to advertise destiny without activisions permission, legally they can't use activison's copyrights materials (logos, game footage) without express concent. the deal between sony and activision quite likley is for exclusive advertising rights based on how things have been so far.
Dadrik said: Nevermind, I checked the "Hardware by date" tool, and it's true. Damn, I expected the XBO numbers to be much higher... Even Watch Dogs didn't move the sales... Dem WiiU numbers tho ! I sincerely hope it will last ! |
The XB1's numbers are dropping in anticipation of the new sku. Most people(not game forum dwellers) are waiting for the price drop. If they would shop around, they would have figured out they can get the current XB1 with Kinect and a game or 2 for the $499. Essentially the same price.
It is near the end of the end....
DarkRPGamer007 said: Literally one of the biggest Nintendo franchises releases and they still can't beat PS4? What the hell is wrong with gamers! Nintendo is releasing actual legit good quality games and yet PS4 rises from nothing! Maybe last year I could understand Wii U selling less because of launch hype from PS4 and the library was bad until the end but now there's no excuse. |
IMO Watch Dogs had way more hype behind it than MK8 when it comes to mainstream audience. I see like 10 if not more Watch Dogs commercials a day and have yet to see a MK8 commercial.
Raziel123 said:
Don't know which sites he visits but all last year xbox fans had been cursing Bungie for "jumping ship". Didn't sound like much love to me based on their posts but what do I know?. Not that important.
Watch Dogs did nothing for X1.
MS is not happy about this. Kinectless model couldn't come sooner.