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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why didn't you buy a Gamecube for $199, $149, $99?

RolStoppable said:
wenlan said:
What I meant is
A lot of people don't feel the need to upgrade from N64 to GC. And people feel it's time to get another Nintendo console (i.e. Wii) now.

That's the problem if the video game company releases new console too frequently.

That's the rationale behind Sony's 10-year life cycle strategy for video game console.

So you are saying that the Wii will stop selling as fast as it does once it reaches 33m? That was the userbase of the N64.

I don't get the 10-year life cycle strategy argument. The PS2 was launched about 5 years after the PS1. The PS3 was launched about 6 years after the PS2. The PS2 sold much better than the PS3 even though the PS2 was launched earlier after its predecessor compared to PS3's launch after PS2. By your logic the PS3 should have sold better than the PS2.


Well Rol, it is your fault after all. Why do you try to answer others with logic? For crying out loud, this is a gaming forum.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

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@wenlan: dude, console builders don't create the successor of their consoles because it has been on the market for an X amount of time, they make a new console because the sales are lowering and the third-party support is dying.
Gamecube was dead in 2006, Wii came just before it was completely dramatic.
I'm sure PS3 isn't going to be on the market for 5 more years if it stops selling 4 years from now just for the sake of completing the 10 year plan.
I mean, the PS2 isn't going to make the 10 years and that's the best selling platform ever!

And @ everybody who says Nintendo games are kiddy and other and PS/XB games are not: they just SEEM kiddy to make them appeal to everybody. With the colourful graphics comes deep, DEEP gameplay! They can be played by anybody, age 9 to 99.
And PS3/360 games, which are mainly first-person shooters, aren't deep most of the time. Sure, there are exceptions(Orange Box, Halo, CoD, BioShock, even Mass Effect, although that's more of a RPG), but most of them are just the 'random-muscled-guy-comes-with-complete-arsenal-of-US-and/or-couple-of-imaginative-arms-with seemingly-endless-hammerspace-in-pockets-and-saves-the-world-by-killing-nazis,- aliens,-zombies,-random-people-and/or-cops-or-he-doesn't-save-the-world-but-heck he's-still-badass' kind of shooter. Even the good ones are most of the time, but they combine that with a decent storyline and/or great gameplay.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of series like Half-Life and Halo, but Nintendo games are the ones that bring magic in this industry, and magic should be for everybody, not just for adolescent casual gamer GTA boys of 12-18 years old.


@Itsamii: you are probably right, this is a gaming forum. Most people don't use/know logic. 

There weren't any games on the console that interested me.

Then RE4 came along and I was almost considering making a purchase.

However one game alone didn't seem to be worth the price of the console.

Then I heard a PS2 port was in development, which settled it.


Because I have a Wii and I already play my GC games in it.

I bought it for $199...

I also have a friend who bought one for $20 with four controllers and 10 games...

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
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Because they didn't sell it for those prices.....Thanks to our weak Canadian dollar at that time, my beloved gamecube was bought for $125......and it was worth every penny to me.

I'm sad.

I thought this was going to be a clever joke thread that Crazzyman tried to copy with a lame gargled English thread. Instead I find a clever thread copying Crazzyman's lame gargled English thread.


Who wouldn't buy a GC at $99? I think it was pitiful that I only bought one once it dropped to $99, but then again I was a Sophomore in High School and totally broke.

@Soriku: The ps2 version of RE4 didn't look as good as the GC version, but it had extra content.

I bought one but I got bored with it so I bought a Ps2.

RolStoppable said:

Current stats:

Number of people who answered the question of the original post - 50
Number of people with valid answers (i.e. didn't buy a Gamecube) - 26
Number of people with invalid answers (i.e. bought a Gamecube) - 24


1) My English is poor.
2) VG Chartz members' English is poor.
3) VG Chartz members are funny guys (or at least they think that they are).
4) A combination of 1) and 2).
5) Pizza?

6. VG Chartz members don't read the OP, just the thread title.

I stand by my answer. GBA > GC

BTW: Your English is just fine. Actually much better than mine.

As an indicator that rule 6 should be included I predict the next poster will fail to read the OP.