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Forums - Sony Discussion - Where are all the "PLAYSTATION DOMINATION" threads?

PS1, PS2, PS3, and PSP all did very well. Sony doing good again with the PS4 isn't as surprising as the Wii outpacing the PS2 after the N64 and GameCube.

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Nintendo fans...vocal? Impossible. This is SonyChartz.

Dat playstation vita domination, so good.

Someone please bring Ethomaz back from neoGaf.This site is dying without him.

Thats because there is no one to boast about it! Seriously the wiiu and xbone fans dont seem to exist here other than the few regulars still keeping the flag high. Its as if they stopped caring and submit to the lord of the consoles that is the PS4. Ive never seen such submission before. Even the Dreamcast fans dared to attack the mighty PS2.

Anyway we dont need to brag about meaningless things. When the Xbone fans start about release lists, I just let it slide, because I dont care for games like forza 5 and dead rising 3 etc. Im more interested in the ps4 games, and metacritic shows the ps4 has more, and better games, it has the quantity and quality.

But NIntendo fans have nothing to brag about anymore, so when someone is in a pathetic situation, I actually sympathize with them, for Wii U bombing harder than the Dreamcast.

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Ka-pi96 said:
OttoniBastos said:
Someone please bring Ethomaz back from neoGaf.This site is dying without him.

I think the term Xboxifying is better

is not about "xboxifying" but is just that when ethomaz was here we always had some "amazon theory thread" or "console war thread" to discuss about.

Last 4 generations of consoles are like that (including this one)

Sony : 1st - 1st - 2nd - 1st
Nintendo : 2 - 3 - 1 - 3
Microsoft : x - 2 - 3 - 2 (for now they are third but everyone knows they ll end up at the second place)

So everybody is used to it and It must sound like the "natural order" for gamers. Only the previous gen was a bit different in the grand scheme of things.

Is Sony winning every generation by default? I think the answer is yes...

Th most vocal ones are banned out of existence.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

padib said:

Nintendo doom threads were everywhere after the U's release. Fans of other consoles were more than happy to post negative threads about it.

With the PS4 not selling as fast as you would expect from the leading consoles, and with total SW sales below that of the U, I'm actually more inclined to think that Nintendo/Microsoft fans don't poopoo their competition as much.

Also, I don't remember there being more "Nintendo is great" type threads than "Sony is king" type threads. The greatness threads have mostly been equal, though there exists an Antonio Banderas gif just for Sony greatness, let's not forget.

Almost 8m sales in 6 months. You must have some incredibly high expectations if that doesn't impress you. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

padib said:
Fusioncode said:
padib said:

Nintendo doom threads were everywhere after the U's release. Fans of other consoles were more than happy to post negative threads about it.

With the PS4 not selling as fast as you would expect from the leading consoles, and with total SW sales below that of the U, I'm actually more inclined to think that Nintendo/Microsoft fans don't poopoo their competition as much.

Also, I don't remember there being more "Nintendo is great" type threads than "Sony is king" type threads. The greatness threads have mostly been equal, though there exists an Antonio Banderas gif just for Sony greatness, let's not forget.

Almost 8m sales in 6 months. You must have some incredibly high expectations if that doesn't impress you. 

SW sales bro.

I have to admit, 8m in 6 months is more than I thought it was. But being the gen leader, I was expecting a higher number right now though that is likely unrealistic.

Actually, I just checked and the Wii sold 7.7m in 6 months. So my expectations were too high.

The PS4 has had less than 1/3 the time on market than the wii u has, yet has sold 3/4 the amount of software, and is now regularly selling 2-3 times the software each week. I don't understand how that isn't impressive?