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Forums - Gaming Discussion - CryEngine 2 VS Reality!


There is definitely some improvement to be made before it mimics reality perfectly but its pretty damn close and it won't be long before people really can't tell the difference =P

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Sweet......... Bravia commercial? I feel a hint here.

Geez.. i had a hard time figuring out which was the real one and which not..

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!



The "original song"! It rocks!

Beware, I live!
I am Sinistar!
Beware, coward!
I hunger!



 At least 62 million Wii sold by the end of 09 or my mario avatar will get sad

beautiful.. the fact that they chose to do a bravia ad seems to be a hint......

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Amazing ... technology shurly evolved since Quake :P

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Am I the only one that can spell the word FAKE?

I'm not saying this isn't rendered with CryEngine 2, because I believe it is, but not any game will look like this with the engine.

Take Crysis. They released a lot of "reality vs CryEngine" screenshots where you could hardly tell the difference, just to hype Crysis. Did Crysis look anything close to photorealism? Not by a long shot. It looked a little better than anything that's released yet. So yes, it looks amazing. But still not close to reality.

It's all just hype. Most engines can render beautiful stuff, but it won't make it in a game, that's just beyond the capabilities of any engine today.

tabsina said:
beautiful.. the fact that they chose to do a bravia ad seems to be a hint......

 Glad to see you get the point. I wonder what kind of hint this is. 


Oh and another thing bothering me here is that I'm curious to where the engine was running on. 

Rendering environments is one thing, rendering humans another. At this rate, dev's will have to deal with "the uncanny valley" pretty soon, and I don't see us getting across that in maybe a decade or so.
It is impressive, but like Chrizum said; Crysis looked nothing like reality. And the physics were underwhelming, barely on par with Source Engine (don't believe me? play the game then).

Did you actually play Crysis to say it just look a little better than exisyting games?

Well I finished it yesterday and sometimes I had to repeat myself that it was real time. Of course it is nowhere near reality but it looks impressive in high or very high shader details. Playing Gears of War after that is like making a 2 years step backward.

But the PC to play it smoothly on very high settings doesn't exist yet.