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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why is using a Gamecube controller on Smash such a big deal?

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

The GC controller is like having an Orgasm for your hands. It fits soo perfectly, its response is superb and its amazingly comfortable... Heck, the 360 controller is basically inspired by the GC controller!

And also that the competitive Smash Bros always used GC controllers so it makes them super happy that they don't have to get used to a new layout when playing Smash Bros 4 plus it shows that Nintendo is trying to please their fans and make them happy

I just want to fap just thinking about when I can touch and feel the hotty! Fap Fap Fap

Exactly! The Gamecube controller pound for pound is a better controller than the 360 wireless controller, and is better suited for a game like Smash Brothers than any other controller because it's irregular button placement fit in smoothly with it!


nintendo forever . . .

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I'm a wiimote n nunchuk person too - I liked using the GC controller but always fumbled when trying to let go of spent items. Probably didn't spend enough time trying to get to grips with it. For others in my family it's GC controller or nothing.

Fusioncode said:
theARTIST0017 said:
Fusioncode said:

I mean jeez, it's hottest trending topic on twitter and on the front page of reddit. New game announcements don't even get this much attention. Am I missing something here? It's just a controller. 

Bro, if you've played Smash Brothers enough, you wouldn't have made this thread.

I played Brawl quite a bit, but I was never a competitive player or anything, I just played for fun. The Wiimote and classic controller suited me just fine. 

That's probably why. I and many others don't feel comfortable playing with anything other than a gc controller. With it, I play the game 100x better, no exaggeration here.


nintendo forever . . .

Hedra42 said:
I'm a wiimote n nunchuk person too - I liked using the GC controller but always fumbled when trying to let go of spent items. Probably didn't spend enough time trying to get to grips with it. For others in my family it's GC controller or nothing.

Hahaha. Reminds me of a big local Smash tournament I went to. I asked ahead "can I use my own controller?". "Sure". I brought a PS2 controller and used an adapter. Won easily (~400 or so entries). Next year the rules said 'GC controllers only'.

Best controller for Smash Bros.

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Fusioncode said:

I mean jeez, it's hottest trending topic on twitter and on the front page of reddit. New game announcements don't even get this much attention. Am I missing something here? It's just a controller. 

Its just the Best Controller ever made and for the game its meant to pla with

Fusioncode said:
theARTIST0017 said:
Fusioncode said:

I mean jeez, it's hottest trending topic on twitter and on the front page of reddit. New game announcements don't even get this much attention. Am I missing something here? It's just a controller. 

Bro, if you've played Smash Brothers enough, you wouldn't have made this thread.

I played Brawl quite a bit, but I was never a competitive player or anything, I just played for fun. The Wiimote and classic controller suited me just fine. 

Then don't judge the people that used the GC controller. 

I'm going to buy three more pro controllers (80hrs battery life FTW) and then practice SSB so I can curb stomp you GC controller fanatics. Granted, this will be my first SSB so I'll be really bad at first lol.

Arkaign said:

The GC controller is insanely overrated. The D-pad is made for people with pencils for thumbs, the overall feel is cheap.

It's pure nostalgia. It was a real improvement over the N64 controller in a lot of ways, but still an awkward piece of work. The Wii Pro gamepad is far far FAR FAR FAR better.

Basically anyone who grew up with (insert controller here) as the controller they used most during their formative gaming years will say "Oh, it's the best!", when in fact it was just something they got used to.

Better controllers objectively than GC :

NES, SNES, TG16, Hori Commander Series, Wii/WiiU Classic/Pro Pads, Xbox OG 'S', Xbox 360, DS2, DS3, DS4, XBO, etc.

EDIT : Forgot the DreamCast pad, which craps all over the GC controller as well. Silly me. Sega pads were usually awful, but the DC one was outstanding.

Not even close, i grew up with SNES and N64 yet N64 had the worse controller, yet GCN controller is the best hands down

