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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii U Outsells Xbox One

oniyide said:

Ok i see where you are coming from. I still think you are wrong for the simple fact that the genre that Bayo belongs to isnt even that big to begin with. Lets be real the hack and slash is niche as hell. It doesnt matter if its on a small install base and their is no competition because the actually genre itself isnt that relevant to begin with. Hell for all we know most people who are interested in the game already have the damn system and they are not going to wait till it drops. Hell you're statement isnt even right, Hyrule Warriors is coming out and i wouldnt be surprised if it takes some thunder away from Bayo 2. A Ninty published hack and slash starring Link versus Bayo 2. My money's on Link

Well I'm glad I could at least get my point across even if we don't agree on it. That's progress.

Hyrule Warriors isn't a character action game, it's a Musou game. You mow down legions of scrub enemies as an overpowered main character, and occassionally fight more challenging bosses. It's like a 3D hack and Slash. Look at Dynasty Warriors or Sengoku Basara for good examples.

Character action games are different and not hack and slash. CAGs focus on a main character, in a third person, 3D Environment, facing -relatively- few enemies at once, with a heavy focus on combat mechanics and systems, and usually a combo/style points system. DMC, GoW, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, etc.


It's a pretty good market, one that Nintendo has never really been competitive in but now they have a solid, and exclusive, title in the genre and a temporary monopoly.

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Max King of the Wild said:
Nicklesbe said:
Max King of the Wild said:
XB1 will beat the Wii U easily. Calculus. Start off better, stay better and end better

Xb1 didn't really start better tho, and hasn't been better so it's not likely it will end better. I mean Wii U still has a chance to make a turn around especially with the new hardware they are comming out with. So they could easily do something that grants them the same success as Wii. Anything is possible. Ps3 had a shit time most of the time last gen but the right games came at the right time and they managed to beat 360 and hold the second place slot by the end of the gen. My point is anything is possible at this point and what really matters are games and real innovation.

XB1 had started off miles ahead of Wii U and hasn't dropped to its lows. 

I know it's a wiki but the sources cited are legit

It didn't start off miles ahead..feet maybe but not miles and according to NPD it's at wii U's lows as we speak.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

 know it's a wiki but the sources cited are legit

It didn't start off miles ahead..feet maybe but not miles and according to NPD it's at wii U's lows as we speak

700k after first month and a half or 35% ahead. That's more than feet. Then what was the follow up quarter? 300k for Wii U and 1.2m for Xb1?

Experimental42 said:
oniyide said:

Ok i see where you are coming from. I still think you are wrong for the simple fact that the genre that Bayo belongs to isnt even that big to begin with. Lets be real the hack and slash is niche as hell. It doesnt matter if its on a small install base and their is no competition because the actually genre itself isnt that relevant to begin with. Hell for all we know most people who are interested in the game already have the damn system and they are not going to wait till it drops. Hell you're statement isnt even right, Hyrule Warriors is coming out and i wouldnt be surprised if it takes some thunder away from Bayo 2. A Ninty published hack and slash starring Link versus Bayo 2. My money's on Link

Well I'm glad I could at least get my point across even if we don't agree on it. That's progress.

Hyrule Warriors isn't a character action game, it's a Musou game. You mow down legions of scrub enemies as an overpowered main character, and occassionally fight more challenging bosses. It's like a 3D hack and Slash. Look at Dynasty Warriors or Sengoku Basara for good examples.

Character action games are different and not hack and slash. CAGs focus on a main character, in a third person, 3D Environment, facing -relatively- few enemies at once, with a heavy focus on combat mechanics and systems, and usually a combo/style points system. DMC, GoW, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, etc.


It's a pretty good market, one that Nintendo has never really been competitive in but now they have a solid, and exclusive, title in the genre and a temporary monopoly.

i know what those are but it doesnt change that they are in the same genre. Tekken and Smash Bros. are part of the same genre play very differently.

You are still missing my point. The genre itself is very niche. THe only blockbuster is GOW and that is a Sony exclusive. It doesnt matter if they have a monopoly if most people dont care in the first place

Max King of the Wild said:

 know it's a wiki but the sources cited are legit

It didn't start off miles ahead..feet maybe but not miles and according to NPD it's at wii U's lows as we speak

700k after first month and a half or 35% ahead. That's more than feet. Then what was the follow up quarter? 300k for Wii U and 1.2m for Xb1?

That's definitly not miles..35% is not even a football field. We don't know what the follow up quarter is yet for Xb1 because Xb1's next isn't done yet.. Lets wait a good year and let the numbers speak for themselves. My point is they both had historically bad starts right after inital release and there is still pleanty of time in this year alone for anything to happen. Nothing will be easy for Xb1 or wii U it will be a struggle for both of them and it will be a tough fight for second place.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

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Nicklesbe said:
Max King of the Wild said:

 know it's a wiki but the sources cited are legit

It didn't start off miles ahead..feet maybe but not miles and according to NPD it's at wii U's lows as we speak

700k after first month and a half or 35% ahead. That's more than feet. Then what was the follow up quarter? 300k for Wii U and 1.2m for Xb1?

That's definitly not miles..35% is not even a football field. We don't know what the follow up quarter is yet for Xb1 because we are still in Q1. Lets wait a good year and let the numbers speak for themselves. My point is they both had historically bad starts right after inital release and there is still pleanty of time in this year alone for anything to happen. Nothing will be easy for Xb1 or wii U it will be a struggle for both of them and it will be a tough fight for second place. 

Yes, Q4 was last quarter and the one I was referencing.

Seece said:
StormSeeker said:

How like man? It's still not second place and, seing by their sales trends and incoming games and so on, XBO will have a really hard time even reaching the WiiU, let alone beat it!

I like XBox and would buy it instead of a PS4, but it is very unlikelly that it will be a leading console this generation. My predictions by the end of this year are WiiU 10,5 MM and XBO 8,7 MM, at the most! (let's talk back next January!;)

XB1 isn't going to be the type of console pulling 2m holidays, I know it's a case of waiting but XB1 will outship WiiU by the end of September.

Not even Nintendo expect 10.5m by the end of this year, and judging by the poor boost MK has given (it needed to be far bigger to achieve their FY goals) it's not going to surpass their expectations of about 9.6m sell through year end.

24/5 oh my god ,

XOne 41,174 (+1%)  
WiiU 31,777

with this difference you re expecting   xbone surpass wii u?...semptember  is too early in accordance with sales:P smash bros is coming,mk8 poor boost?   poor boost  is what watch dogs gave on xbone this doesnt upset you?...oooo suprised that there is someone who are calling 33000 to 1870000 poor boost ,   ps4 was at  201000 so 187000 is a success,mk 8 gave bigger boost than watch dogs gave on ps4,which is also a huge boost

@OP: It's like most F1 races!
And yes, maybe too early to tell for sure, but the probabilities that Wii U manage to keep 2nd place surely increased, because at least we can already say Ninty showed that if it does things right there's still life in Wii U.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

XB1 outship WiiU by the end of September? And how do you expect it to happen? I bet it won't outship the WiiU in total sales neither in September and not even by the end of January 2015. If it happens one day it will be after E3 2015, and if by then Nintendo starts to talk about its new console.

What big cards you believe MS will sort out to make it? Another price cut? The new Gears? Not even Titanfall, which is amazing and was the most expected XB1 game, did it. Maybe Halo can move loads of consoles, but still won't be enough to bridge this gap, not against a WiiU still in the hype for MK8 (which sold in its first 3 days more than any XB1 game so far, let's remember reality) and with SSBB in the pipeline. Not even to mention X and Bayonetta 2, which will also help to sustain the WiiU increased sales and the new Zelda, which will show once again that the WiiU is not that much underpowered as the haters are shouting...

It's time to accept reality man, XB1 will be 3rd place in the generation for a good while, beaten by the WiiU, which lots of MS fanboys despised but are now powerless to beat :)

Lol well this thread sure is fun to read. ;) How bout that May NPD??