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Experimental42 said:
oniyide said:

Ok i see where you are coming from. I still think you are wrong for the simple fact that the genre that Bayo belongs to isnt even that big to begin with. Lets be real the hack and slash is niche as hell. It doesnt matter if its on a small install base and their is no competition because the actually genre itself isnt that relevant to begin with. Hell for all we know most people who are interested in the game already have the damn system and they are not going to wait till it drops. Hell you're statement isnt even right, Hyrule Warriors is coming out and i wouldnt be surprised if it takes some thunder away from Bayo 2. A Ninty published hack and slash starring Link versus Bayo 2. My money's on Link

Well I'm glad I could at least get my point across even if we don't agree on it. That's progress.

Hyrule Warriors isn't a character action game, it's a Musou game. You mow down legions of scrub enemies as an overpowered main character, and occassionally fight more challenging bosses. It's like a 3D hack and Slash. Look at Dynasty Warriors or Sengoku Basara for good examples.

Character action games are different and not hack and slash. CAGs focus on a main character, in a third person, 3D Environment, facing -relatively- few enemies at once, with a heavy focus on combat mechanics and systems, and usually a combo/style points system. DMC, GoW, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, etc.


It's a pretty good market, one that Nintendo has never really been competitive in but now they have a solid, and exclusive, title in the genre and a temporary monopoly.

i know what those are but it doesnt change that they are in the same genre. Tekken and Smash Bros. are part of the same genre play very differently.

You are still missing my point. The genre itself is very niche. THe only blockbuster is GOW and that is a Sony exclusive. It doesnt matter if they have a monopoly if most people dont care in the first place