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XB1 outship WiiU by the end of September? And how do you expect it to happen? I bet it won't outship the WiiU in total sales neither in September and not even by the end of January 2015. If it happens one day it will be after E3 2015, and if by then Nintendo starts to talk about its new console.

What big cards you believe MS will sort out to make it? Another price cut? The new Gears? Not even Titanfall, which is amazing and was the most expected XB1 game, did it. Maybe Halo can move loads of consoles, but still won't be enough to bridge this gap, not against a WiiU still in the hype for MK8 (which sold in its first 3 days more than any XB1 game so far, let's remember reality) and with SSBB in the pipeline. Not even to mention X and Bayonetta 2, which will also help to sustain the WiiU increased sales and the new Zelda, which will show once again that the WiiU is not that much underpowered as the haters are shouting...

It's time to accept reality man, XB1 will be 3rd place in the generation for a good while, beaten by the WiiU, which lots of MS fanboys despised but are now powerless to beat :)