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Max King of the Wild said:
Nicklesbe said:
Max King of the Wild said:
XB1 will beat the Wii U easily. Calculus. Start off better, stay better and end better

Xb1 didn't really start better tho, and hasn't been better so it's not likely it will end better. I mean Wii U still has a chance to make a turn around especially with the new hardware they are comming out with. So they could easily do something that grants them the same success as Wii. Anything is possible. Ps3 had a shit time most of the time last gen but the right games came at the right time and they managed to beat 360 and hold the second place slot by the end of the gen. My point is anything is possible at this point and what really matters are games and real innovation.

XB1 had started off miles ahead of Wii U and hasn't dropped to its lows. 

I know it's a wiki but the sources cited are legit

It didn't start off miles ahead..feet maybe but not miles and according to NPD it's at wii U's lows as we speak.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)