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Max King of the Wild said:

 know it's a wiki but the sources cited are legit

It didn't start off miles ahead..feet maybe but not miles and according to NPD it's at wii U's lows as we speak

700k after first month and a half or 35% ahead. That's more than feet. Then what was the follow up quarter? 300k for Wii U and 1.2m for Xb1?

That's definitly not miles..35% is not even a football field. We don't know what the follow up quarter is yet for Xb1 because Xb1's next isn't done yet.. Lets wait a good year and let the numbers speak for themselves. My point is they both had historically bad starts right after inital release and there is still pleanty of time in this year alone for anything to happen. Nothing will be easy for Xb1 or wii U it will be a struggle for both of them and it will be a tough fight for second place.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)