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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS4 and Wii cross streams: Wii now ahead of PS4 at the same point in time


Will PS4 regain the 1st position?

Damn right it will! 165 38.73%
Not a chance, son. 259 60.80%
jlmurph2 said:
Xenostar said:
jlmurph2 said:

I thought this thread was about Worldwide? But trust if the Wii was available like how the PS4 is/was for these 6 months, there wouldn't be as many of these excuses. Bottom line is that it's not logical for this gen to last as long as 7th gen with how fast tech is moving now. So if PS4 wants to sell more than the Wii, it has to do Wii numbers/better than Wii numbers, which it won't. What's gonna be the excuse when Wii passes it in western numbers too?

Everyones expecting it to im sure, it was half the price and had mass market appeal, not just aimed at core gamers. Its not an excuse they're the facts. It will outsell PS4 timeline in the west as well at some point im sure. 

The wii burnt bright and fast for 3 years it did amazingly well in a short space or time, then died out just as quickly. If Sony want to beat those sales they will need to go for a longer game. But as there about to pass 8M in just over 7 months, theyve blow away everyone's expectation including there own, and there streets ahead of the current competition, reguardless of the changing gaming demographics in Japan.  


I'd say 5 years.

Also, they didn't blow away everyone's expectations because there were plenty of people who had high ones for Japan. Expecting that 8 million to come at the end of March. I understand that you're proud of the PS4's sales and that it's sad you can't call it the "best selling" console anymore, but no need to downplay the Wii for it.

If we are talking Japan the Wii only did really well for 2 years and well for the third year. And there is nothing wrong with mentioning that without Japan PS4 is still over 2m in the lead. It's also important in answering the poll question, because the U.S. and Europe are much more important in determing worldwide sales in the long run than Japan.

Also it's interesting to note that with alligned launches even with Japan PS4 is still in the lead.

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Yeah I don't think anyone is surprised by this, but I think longer term PS4 has better legs, I think it can do 120m.

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i think supply has been shitty from sony, i still havent seen a ps4 in any store yet and i look just because I am curious. still good numbers though its a bit ignorant to think a few thousand less means its over when it hasnt even been a year yet. again premature but looking at the OP it seems to be a reoccurring theme.


If PS4 sell more than 300k a week on non holiday season or launch date, i think it can beat Wii.

Most Anticipated Games on Wii U

Super Smash Bros. Wii U, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Splatoon, Zelda Wii U, Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem, 3D Metroid game, another 3D Mario game.

Most Anticipated Games on 3DS

Super Smash Bros. 3DS, Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire, Xenoblade Chronicles(N3DS).

Wii has toooo many games to stream!!!

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It finally happened! The Wii was huge and bigger than the ps4.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Good for the wii.
we shall see with all the ps4 shortages still here in europe how things wil work out.


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PS4 measures up to WiiU not Wii. Wii's 27 weeks feels like 27 years ago. Why's this even a thing? It's like comparing music album sales from back in the 90s when everyone bought music to today when far fewer people are buying music.

Bound to happen sooner rather than later, Wii only gained momentum month after month for years as more and more supply bacame available. The PS4 isn't going to stand a chance for years to come, nothing probably ever will for those first three years.

UndauntedWizdom said:
PS4 measures up to WiiU not Wii. Wii's 27 weeks feels like 27 years ago. Why's this even a thing? It's like comparing music album sales from back in the 90s when everyone bought music to today when far fewer people are buying music.

This is a video game sales website. We are interested in sales, trends and charts. So we compare sales.

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