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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Real Reason Philips Wants to Ban Nintendo’s Wii U? Special Report

gergroy said:
Its kind of weird how the author keeps comparing the wii u sales to the x1 and ps4 as a barometer for popularity. Makes me wonder if the author even knows the wii u had a year head start... Thats the problem with motley fool articles. These people know the stock market pretty well, but rely on quick google searches to flesh out their knowledge.

But I wouldn't even say they know business well... They are missing the forest for the trees,
thining that the case ONLY applies to Wii U (which sells little), when that is just the immediate pressure tactic being used (import injunction threat),
winning the case will establish their right tolicencing revenue for ALL infringing products, namely all original Wii.

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Cleary397 said:
I always wonder why it takes so many years for companies to bring up patent disputes.

Surely they should have attempted to gain royalties when the Wii was drowning in money?

"The fucking article" directly states that Phillips says they discussed the topic with Nintendo in 2011 but couldn't negotiate a solution.
More broadly, patent holders looking for licencing fees are better off waiting until a product is successfull and then demanding fees,
because at that point the product has been sold and can't be redesigned to avoid the patent, and besides the direct cost of fees,
threats of an import ban can be a major disruption to a company's product, which increases negotiating leverage over the fees.
Non-patent trolls actually selling products in the segment are less interested in fees, they usually prefer to prevent a competing product entirely.

KylieDog said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
So you mean to tell me that Nintendo screwed over Sony and Phillips? That makes excellent material for my book.

When it comes to Sony, Nintendo screwed themselves.

Nintendo did screw themselves, their laughing all the way to the bank.

novasonic said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

At least have the Decency to do it before Prom Night, or better yet before you get her preggo.

Sony was in her 3rd trimester when Nintendo decided it wanted her to have an abortion, but Sony ran away and had the baby in secrecy. Now father and son are locked in an eternal battle for glory.

Well considering the way she found out about Nintendo and Phillips, after she went to the prom with her dad Ken Kutaragi (lul), Its no wonder she ran away.

Also, its intresting that the son finished off his father's rival, Sega.

That single mom life is tough though, specially with the 3rd kid

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

I wouldn't blame Philips, that actually produces and patents a lot of real, working things, for exploiting the US patent system to do some patent trolling too, it's the American way to let companies do that shit, and if you don't troll harder, you get trolled (and usually serious company do it first with the sole goal of settling themartter asap, or getting a cross-license agreement). I despise a lot more pure patent trolls, particularly those that get away with patenting things for which prior art actually existed, or obvious ones that shouldn't be patentable, and I despise even more US patent and legal systems, the former for allowing vague patents and the latter for not dismissing every patent trolling lawsuit since the preliminary hearing. But I won't ever despise a great company like Philips, that through its life produced some of the most reliable devices I and my family ever owned, and in the few cases something went wrong, they were by far the fairest and kindest applying the warranty. Also, their official assistance in my town used to be the best, together with Panasonic one (now for most devices they just replace them under warranty or suggest replacement as cheapest option if out of warranty, but when prices were higher repairing even low-end monitors, TVs, VCRs, etc was the normal procedure unless the damages were too serious and extended through the whole device) . About this particular lawsuit, the background is very controversial, due to Philips and Ninty past relationships, but the goal is quite obvious, getting the money and possibly more credit (so making Philips brand more known also in markets where its presence is currently scarce) for any thing that Philips designed for Ninty or helped designing it.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

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Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
novasonic said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

At least have the Decency to do it before Prom Night, or better yet before you get her preggo.

Sony was in her 3rd trimester when Nintendo decided it wanted her to have an abortion, but Sony ran away and had the baby in secrecy. Now father and son are locked in an eternal battle for glory.

Well considering the way she found out about Nintendo and Phillips, after she went to the prom with her dad Ken Kutaragi (lul), Its no wonder she ran away.

Also, its intresting that the son finished off his father's rival, Sega.

That single mom life is tough though, specially with the 3rd kid

I don't really concider Sega's death to be Playstation's doing. Perhaps unfocused due to a serious wound from Nintendo, Sega tripped and hit his head on a rock (CD), then he got up dazed and walked into a tree (GG), then fell backwards onto a log (32x), and then a bear wander in a tore off Sega's leg (Saturn). Amazingly Sega lived, and just has he was about to get up, another bear came along and tore the other leg off (DC piracy). Playstation mearly came across him one day and decided to be merciful and put him out of his misery.

Defeating his father however, will be no simple task. While Nintendo is old and no longer in his prime, he has 8 generations of wisdom on his side. Many foes have fallen at his feet. Rumor has it that he quietly sips his soup from a spoon carved from bones of Atari.. His finest kill indeed.

8th gen predictions. (made early 2014)
PS4: 60-65m
WiiU: 30-35m
X1: 30-35m
3DS: 80-85m
PSV: 15-20m

Virtual Body Control Device - Kinect
Pointing Device - Move

Nintendo? -> Power Glove 1989

novasonic said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
novasonic said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

At least have the Decency to do it before Prom Night, or better yet before you get her preggo.

Sony was in her 3rd trimester when Nintendo decided it wanted her to have an abortion, but Sony ran away and had the baby in secrecy. Now father and son are locked in an eternal battle for glory.

Well considering the way she found out about Nintendo and Phillips, after she went to the prom with her dad Ken Kutaragi (lul), Its no wonder she ran away.

Also, its intresting that the son finished off his father's rival, Sega.

That single mom life is tough though, specially with the 3rd kid

I don't really concider Sega's death to be Playstation's doing. Perhaps unfocused due to a serious wound from Nintendo, Sega tripped and hit his head on a rock (CD), then he got up dazed and walked into a tree (GG), then fell backwards onto a log (32x), and then a bear wander in a tore off Sega's leg (Saturn). Amazingly Sega lived, and just has he was about to get up, another bear came along and tore the other leg off (DC piracy). Playstation mearly came across him one day and decided to be merciful and put him out of his misery.

Defeating his father however, will be no simple task. While Nintendo is old and no longer in his prime, he has 8 generations of wisdom on his side. Many foes have fallen at his feet. Rumor has it that he quietly sips his soup from a spoon carved from bones of Atari.. His finest kill indeed.

But what of Xbox, Son of Microsoft. PlayStation's self proclaimed rival?

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

A Nintendo PlayStation has to he the holy grail for every collector...

What was the topic again? :P

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
novasonic said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
novasonic said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

At least have the Decency to do it before Prom Night, or better yet before you get her preggo.

Sony was in her 3rd trimester when Nintendo decided it wanted her to have an abortion, but Sony ran away and had the baby in secrecy. Now father and son are locked in an eternal battle for glory.

Well considering the way she found out about Nintendo and Phillips, after she went to the prom with her dad Ken Kutaragi (lul), Its no wonder she ran away.

Also, its intresting that the son finished off his father's rival, Sega.

That single mom life is tough though, specially with the 3rd kid

I don't really concider Sega's death to be Playstation's doing. Perhaps unfocused due to a serious wound from Nintendo, Sega tripped and hit his head on a rock (CD), then he got up dazed and walked into a tree (GG), then fell backwards onto a log (32x), and then a bear wander in a tore off Sega's leg (Saturn). Amazingly Sega lived, and just has he was about to get up, another bear came along and tore the other leg off (DC piracy). Playstation mearly came across him one day and decided to be merciful and put him out of his misery.

Defeating his father however, will be no simple task. While Nintendo is old and no longer in his prime, he has 8 generations of wisdom on his side. Many foes have fallen at his feet. Rumor has it that he quietly sips his soup from a spoon carved from bones of Atari.. His finest kill indeed.

But what of Xbox, Son of Microsoft. PlayStation's self proclaimed rival?

Little is known for sure.. It is said that wondering spirit Microsoft absorbed the dead body of Sega into itself and bore the child Xbox.

8th gen predictions. (made early 2014)
PS4: 60-65m
WiiU: 30-35m
X1: 30-35m
3DS: 80-85m
PSV: 15-20m