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Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
novasonic said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

At least have the Decency to do it before Prom Night, or better yet before you get her preggo.

Sony was in her 3rd trimester when Nintendo decided it wanted her to have an abortion, but Sony ran away and had the baby in secrecy. Now father and son are locked in an eternal battle for glory.

Well considering the way she found out about Nintendo and Phillips, after she went to the prom with her dad Ken Kutaragi (lul), Its no wonder she ran away.

Also, its intresting that the son finished off his father's rival, Sega.

That single mom life is tough though, specially with the 3rd kid

I don't really concider Sega's death to be Playstation's doing. Perhaps unfocused due to a serious wound from Nintendo, Sega tripped and hit his head on a rock (CD), then he got up dazed and walked into a tree (GG), then fell backwards onto a log (32x), and then a bear wander in a tore off Sega's leg (Saturn). Amazingly Sega lived, and just has he was about to get up, another bear came along and tore the other leg off (DC piracy). Playstation mearly came across him one day and decided to be merciful and put him out of his misery.

Defeating his father however, will be no simple task. While Nintendo is old and no longer in his prime, he has 8 generations of wisdom on his side. Many foes have fallen at his feet. Rumor has it that he quietly sips his soup from a spoon carved from bones of Atari.. His finest kill indeed.

8th gen predictions. (made early 2014)
PS4: 60-65m
WiiU: 30-35m
X1: 30-35m
3DS: 80-85m
PSV: 15-20m