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Forums - General Discussion - Report: Sony Paid $400 million for Warner Bros' Blu-Ray move

i sure they will be reimbursed with the pennies of royalties they get each warner movie sold... (even if they got a dollar worth of royalties they would still need to sell 400mil warner blu rays)

but really warner had their mind set a lomg time before. they stated bluray raked in more sales for them.

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Squall_Leonhart said:
GGE with her usual slant against Sony, nothing new there...

Even if they did pay this amount of money the move won the war so thats the desired effect! I do doubt that this was the case as you can't just go throwing that much cash around without anyone reporting it!

Because there is no way any aspect of reality could ever be negative for Sony, clearly anyone who voices a fact or opinion about Sony that isn't at least neutral is obviously a fiend with hidden agendas, lol.

madskillz said:
PooperScooper said:
Hey Skillz, want to grab a pizza with me sometime? I hear California Pizza kitchen has this great chicken one.


Make mine with extra cheese, pepperoni and Italian sausage. 

got it. what type of crust?

It won't show up in the books. These deals are not cash transactions. They waive licensing fees. So basically TW is getting a huge discount on licensing and won't have to pay very much for a long while.


Around the Network

Girl Gamer Elite said:

Because there is no way any aspect of reality could ever be negative for Sony, clearly anyone who voices a fact or opinion about Sony that isn't at least neutral is obviously a fiend with hidden agendas, lol.

well if you don't like my pizza idea i know a nice Italian restaurant.

Well ,even if this was true neither Sony or Warner would admit it .

Guess we will have to see if there are 400 million in "promotional costs " in the fiscal results of Sony or Warner just as the Paramount agreement with Toshiba .

damkira said:

That’s according to a piece published earlier this week in the Toronto Globe and Mail newspaper; while sources supplied the paper with the $400 million figure, neither Sony nor Warners’ would confirm it.

This is the part of the story that puzzles me.  Why didn't they both deny it?

It was debunked a while ago on highdefdigest, this "news" is at least 2 months stale.

It all comes from one mans blog.

Obviously they didn't try to contact Warner or Sony hard enough.

Here's Warners denial, from nearly 2 months ago.


Warner: No Payoff for Move to Blu-ray

Fri Jan 04, 2008 at 07:56 PM ET

Warner Home Entertainment President Kevin Tsujihara says the studio took no pay-offs to exclusively back Blu-ray.

In a post-announcement conference call, Tsujihara flatly denied rumors that studio had accepted anywhere from 250M to $500M in exchange for dropping its HD DVD format support.

According to the exec, Warner's sole motivation in dropping its HD DVD format support was to ensure growth of the "category" and the long-term health of the industry.


"The packaged media business is a $42 billion dollar business worldwide at the retail level, and we [Warner] have the largest market share of anybody," said Tsujihara. "From our perspective, the most important piece of this whole puzzle is, "How do we get growth back into this category?" That far outweighed anything else."

This [decision] was one hundred percent around what makes the most sense for the consumer, the retailer and the industry. This was not a bidding war. This was all about what was best, strategically, for us." 


i can't believe that this is still being discussed lol.