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Forums - Sales Discussion - April 2014 NPD Thread!

Talal said:
vivster said:

The numbers are in the title. I pretty much got that even before entering the thread.

I want to know about the DRAMA!

Dark Feanor (I think thats his name) embarrassed himself a bit other than that nothing.


OT: ioi should clarify some things here. 100k overtracking is insane.

Also Vita is completely dead.

Well there is something new^^

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Around the Network
domflo said:
I know there were some people believing that this generation would be up over last generation sales numbers wise. Do these people still believe that? Because I just don't see it. Even PS4's number is not all that great. I mean, it's something, yeah, but considering it's the leading platform right now...

And than there's PS Vita. Holy shit. 3,5k units in 4 weeks is absolutely horrible. Comes close to 360's performance in Japan. SCEA really ought to do something about that, but I think they just won't give a shit anymore.

On the other hand, good performance for Conception 2, and I'm actually surprised the 3DS version did as much as 13k. Not too bad for a game that niche in the US.

I don't think ANYONE thought this gen would be up from last...

Max King of the Wild said:
domflo said:
I know there were some people believing that this generation would be up over last generation sales numbers wise. Do these people still believe that? Because I just don't see it. Even PS4's number is not all that great. I mean, it's something, yeah, but considering it's the leading platform right now...

And than there's PS Vita. Holy shit. 3,5k units in 4 weeks is absolutely horrible. Comes close to 360's performance in Japan. SCEA really ought to do something about that, but I think they just won't give a shit anymore.

On the other hand, good performance for Conception 2, and I'm actually surprised the 3DS version did as much as 13k. Not too bad for a game that niche in the US.

I don't think ANYONE thought this gen would be up from last...

Eh, I remeber a discussion on here where the topic was brought up, and I'm fairly certain there were some people with that stance.

I'll try finding it...

Nintendo Network ID: domflo

Add me if you like!

Ask me about 3DS Friend Code if interested. All other things are in the profile!

Could the Wii u outsell the xbox one next month? That would be too good

Wow, I overshot both the PS4, XBO AND PS Vita. Things can never work out the way I want them to. At least my Wii U prediction was pretty close, maybe Nin was right about me all along.

Around the Network
domflo said:
Max King of the Wild said:
domflo said:
I know there were some people believing that this generation would be up over last generation sales numbers wise. Do these people still believe that? Because I just don't see it. Even PS4's number is not all that great. I mean, it's something, yeah, but considering it's the leading platform right now...

And than there's PS Vita. Holy shit. 3,5k units in 4 weeks is absolutely horrible. Comes close to 360's performance in Japan. SCEA really ought to do something about that, but I think they just won't give a shit anymore.

On the other hand, good performance for Conception 2, and I'm actually surprised the 3DS version did as much as 13k. Not too bad for a game that niche in the US.

I don't think ANYONE thought this gen would be up from last...

Eh, I remeber a discussion on here where the topic was brought up, and I'm fairly certain there were some people with that stance.

I'll try finding it...

DS and Vita sellling over 80M, Wii incredible first 3 years selling to new audiences, X360 taking US and UK, PS3's comeback still managing to get over 80M and the longest generation ever.

I think people only said that this gen would not be the last or that there wont be a video game crash.

maverick40 said:
Could the Wii u outsell the xbox one next month? That would be too good

Bold prediction, Mario Kart + price cute incoming for X1, if the WiiU doesnt outsell the X1, it's worrying.

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


Rafux said:
domflo said:

Eh, I remeber a discussion on here where the topic was brought up, and I'm fairly certain there were some people with that stance.

I'll try finding it...

DS and Vita sellling over 80M, Wii incredible first 3 years selling to new audiences, X360 taking US and UK, PS3's comeback still managing to get over 80M and the longest generation ever.

I think people only said that this gen would not be the last or that there wont be a video game crash.

Yeah, maybe I was having a bad dream or something. Can't find it right now, so I'll just have to assume my mind is making up things. I'd hope so.

Nintendo Network ID: domflo

Add me if you like!

Ask me about 3DS Friend Code if interested. All other things are in the profile!

So the official numbers are PS4:199k, XBO:115k, Wii U:49k, as in the thread title?

Wait...with the Xbox One adjustment, does this prove Ethomaz' amazon theory correct?

Edit: Where has he been anyway? Banned?