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Max King of the Wild said:
domflo said:
I know there were some people believing that this generation would be up over last generation sales numbers wise. Do these people still believe that? Because I just don't see it. Even PS4's number is not all that great. I mean, it's something, yeah, but considering it's the leading platform right now...

And than there's PS Vita. Holy shit. 3,5k units in 4 weeks is absolutely horrible. Comes close to 360's performance in Japan. SCEA really ought to do something about that, but I think they just won't give a shit anymore.

On the other hand, good performance for Conception 2, and I'm actually surprised the 3DS version did as much as 13k. Not too bad for a game that niche in the US.

I don't think ANYONE thought this gen would be up from last...

Eh, I remeber a discussion on here where the topic was brought up, and I'm fairly certain there were some people with that stance.

I'll try finding it...

Nintendo Network ID: domflo

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