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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why didn't MS leave the pricecut and app announcement for their E3 conference?

DerNebel said:
Machiavellian said:
I really do not see this being something of E3 worth. Basically MS is saying we feel Kinect is not the product to pin our hopes on. Its not the product we feel make the X1 different from our competition. Instead this move is about provide a price option comparable to the PS4 to stop the bleeding. Its not like this announcement at E3 will suddenly make the X1 sell like the PS4. If anything there will be a decent spike for the people on the fence then maybe a modest bump in weekly sells.

An official price cut is always E3 worthy.

Its not really a price cut.  A price cut would be 399 with Kinect.  Instead they are announcing a new SKU that is missing a major component.  There are pros and cons to the new SKU and as others have said it does make sense to just get it out of the way so that they can spend more time at the conference trying to convince you to get a X1 without the whole internet going one direction or another.  Get the news out early then spend time trying to make it seem like a great move on top of what you have to show.

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RolStoppable said:
sales2099 said:
RolStoppable said:

"DLC for Call of Duty will arrive first on Xbox One for the next five years."

Showing COD and saying that is bout on par with Sony spending 15 minutes showcasing Destiny ;)

You never know. We are talking about a company that thought Resident Evil 5 coming to Xbox 360 was a big deal, even though Capcom had confirmed it months earlier.

I blame Don. 360's years since 2010 can be all blamed on Don Mattrick. Hes a excellent scapegoat for all our past problems lol

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Because Watch Dogs and Wolfenstein might be big sellers, and are coming before E3. So they might as well take out one more PS4 advantage by announcing this sooner rather than later..

Love and tolerate.

RolStoppable said:
NPD numbers release this week, right? That's what they call a preemptive strike.

this sounds far more likely then ms having bigger things to show at e3.  ..but npd numbers will help us out here.

RolStoppable said:
sales2099 said:

I blame Don. 360's years since 2010 can be all blamed on Don Mattrick. Hes a excellent scapegoat for all our past problems lol


Anyway, what do you think of Occam's Razor?

Icwhatudidthere ;)

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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As the OP said, it's probably not because they didn't have time to show it at E3. My guess is that they didnt want any bias going into E3. They may have been worried that people would have a certain stigma towards X1 and the games they showed if there was already a preconception that the system was overpriced. But now that no one can really argue about the price anymore, people may be more receptive to what they show at E3.

It has nothing about MS showing more games at E3.

Honestly i think they were not sure how people would take this news. I mean, they are now just weaker PS4 without any differential. Given, they were already being saw as that.

Watch Dogs, Wolfenstein and NPD may have also influenced.

they are dumping kinect to be competitive,best get it out the way than answer questions all E3 about why they are dumping their interface tech for all but teh hardcore


I smell like the dark forest of Dwemereth in the morning mist                                                   fanboy til i'm bankrupt

They could not have done this at E3. It would have been painful in a live show. How do you announce, to the cheers of the audience, that you're scuttling what was once the crown jewel of your system? It would be the same as admitting to another mistake, right in front of a live group of gamers who mostly didn't care about Kinect to begin with. You don't do that live, you do that with press releases. Sure, you can spin it if you try really hard but you still have an announcer up there trying to smile through what is bad news to them.

Microsoft is going to want E3 to be as positive as possible. I expect all the iffy stuff to be announced prior to their presentation.

Because it will be a shame to announce they are dropping something at the same place where they mention how great it will work, can you imagine how will they feel when crowd Yeah for this...