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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Watch Dogs: 900p PS4, 792p X1, both 30fps

Not really bothered.

As for what Sony said, it sure is a funny time for Xbox fans to be getting on their high horse regarding what these companies have said previously. At least they only promised 1080p 60FPS for two days, rather than a full year like some other promises people have made..

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Kind of a disappointing generation tech wise it seems. Too bad Nintendo seemingly has no interest in a straight forward traditional, cutting-edge console anymore, I think they could've smoked both these machines at a reasonable price with a 2016 release.

Well this sucks if it's true :/

but i'm still going to buy it

Azerth said:
Zekkyou said:
Azerth said:
haha look at sony tyring to lie haha

oh well i still dont care lol

There is a difference between lying and making a mistake :/

Lying is saying that 1080p/60fps is going to be common on the PS4 (Shahid's tweets) or giving people a fake demo of Forza 5.

THOSE are examples of lying. This is most likely some dude in PR who didn't know shit about what he was writing (kinda like everything Major Nelson says ).

yeah but it sure did take them awhile to take down there mistake

Not particularly, it only took about a day after the first article appeared for it to be corrected. That seems like a fair amount of time for someone over at Sony realize to confirm it's wrong then get pissed off at whoever wrote it

Really though, the best" proof" that this was just a mistake is that the PS4 version is still better than the X1 version. Sony have no need to boast about a fake resolution/frame rate, since they have already "beaten" their main competitor ^^;

KingdomHeartsFan said:
daredevil.shark said:
My hype has died for this game. Whatever hype I had it just vanished with this news. I will pickup this game used at cheap or borrow from my friend.

Really?  Your hype was based soley on the game being 1080p on PS4?  Unless thats sarcasm then ignore my post. 

Lol. Nope. I was following it from 2012 reveal. Was hyped about before PS4 release. They have shown too much of its content. And bad news one after another has made my interest nil. So I guess that pretty much explains everything.

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I just know 792p is worse, and I bet the dips are more pronounced on the Xbone version. Pay more, pay the same for worse, it's still the worst. Xbox one is still worse than a PS4, price cut , no Kinect and Live Plusified , all the same, the worst.

I still think the game looks pretty awesome. A true 'next-gen' experience (now available on old-gen).

mutantclown said:

I just know 792p is worse, and I bet the dips are more pronounced on the Xbone version. Pay more, pay the same for worse, it's still the worst.

So 900p or sub-1080p now isn't bad anymore? Ok.

kowenicki said:
Zekkyou said:
Conegamer said:
Oh...oh my. That's quite a way off 1080/60 isn't it?

Glad I'm getting the PC version. That sounds pretty harsh.

Yep, 1080p/60fps is 188% more than 900p/30fps and 271.9%(ish :p) more than 792p/30fps.

and the difference between 900p and 792p?

I genuinely dont know...

900p is about 29.1% more than 792p i believe.

walsufnir said:
mutantclown said:

I just know 792p is worse, and I bet the dips are more pronounced on the Xbone version. Pay more, pay the same for worse, it's still the worst.

So 900p or sub-1080p now isn't bad anymore? Ok.

Says who? you? I think I was clear, can't you read or you only want to start shit?