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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Watch Dogs: 900p PS4, 792p X1, both 30fps

michael_stutzer said:
Sal.Paradise said:
Omg, look at them valiantly trying to avoid 720p.

30fps for an open world game is more than fine, btw. I don't want to sacrifice draw distance and peds/vehicles for a higher framerate.

The point is, it isn't even looking that good. It shouldn' tax the systems that much. 

Right. I have no problem with the framerate (in fact I think it's the RIGHT decision) but it's disappointing they can't get it to 1080p on PS4. I think Ubi overpromised with the fidelity of the initial reveal and they know it, and they're trying their best to get it to look like that, which is why we're seeing these low resolutions.

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Oh no, the tragedy :)

RolStoppable said:
outlawauron said:

ouch? This will be the second non-1080p game on PS4.

And how many aren't 1080p@60fps?

At least every game developed by Sony that isn't a remaster, except Killzone in multiplayer. And it seems Driveclub and The Order won't run at 60 fps too.

Cant believe a few years ago this was the game that blew my socks off. WTF happened over the last 3 year???? The game looks like shit now (bullshots dont count). Dont care for p's or resolution, but the game just doesn't look that great anymore. I expect more bad press on the way.

setsunatenshi said:
Imaginedvl said:
setsunatenshi said:
kowenicki said:

It is very marginally (not clearly) visually inferior.   The game is the same. 

Its not bad news unless you count pixels as you game.

If you are being honest, we clearly have very distinct visual standards. At least concede that you would never pick the visual inferior version if you had the chance to get the better one, all other things being equal.

If you can admit that much I think we can leave it at that :)

Well yah if both platform had Xbox One controllers, Xbox Live and the ability to switch on my Skype/TV on the fly (all other things being equal); of course I would pick 900p over 792p :)
Pretty sure Kowenicki would do the same!

fair enough and even though I don't feel remotely the same I can respect the preference for the 'side' perks you may have. but the discussion was based on one same game at very different resolutions. I might be spoiled, but I honestly can't understand how it's possible to not look at something like 1080p, 900p, 760p, 720p and not see a difference. If you don't have some blurry vision there's a distinct difference for the better, the higher resolution you'll get. It is NOT irrelevant, that's all i'm trying to say.

Well, I said that all things being equals, I would go for 900p over 792p :) I'm not (and will never) arguing that 2 is greater than 1 hehe

As far as the difference between 1080p and 720p, I can see the difference on a still picture if I really look at it. But while playing the game where everything is moving, the difference is negligable for me.

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Porcupeth said:
"Xbox One controllers, Xbox Live and the ability to switch on my Skype/TV on the fly"

maybe you should spend more time with the DS4 and PSN.

lol maybe you should spend more time understanding "personnal preferences"...

I owned a PS3 with PSN and I tried the PS4/DS4+PSN (friend of mine) : No, thank you.

ps4 version it is then, better picture quality and texture resolution

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

If Ubisoft cant make it 1080p 60fps then I cant make it to the store.

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

Any multiplat game that's on PC is what I will always buy anyway. From what I have heard The Witcher 3 on PS4 and Xbox One look like the PC version on low settings.

Don't worry guys... The NEXT next gen will handle 1080p with ease. Until then, I'll just try my best to enjoy the games. Oh, and, 900p and 792p!!! What a GIGANTIC difference! How will people cope?