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Forums - Sony Discussion - SONY results: 3.7m PS3+PS4, 0.7m PSV+PSP. $1.246bn loss FY. GAME $80m loss for year. Expects another $0.5bn loss to March 2015

Ah yes i see Kowenicki being him usual self again, almost exclusively in threads being positive about Microsoft and negative about Sony, and he's still trying to claim that the 360 is 'more than likely' beating the PS3 when it's a stone cold fact that for countless years now, whatever amount the 360 has outsold the PS3 in the USA (NPD), the PS3 outsells the 360 in Japan by roughly the same amount per year (Media Create).

So some how magically the 360 has to be outselling the PS3 in Europe+the rest of the world when Europe+the rest of the world is not only the Playstation's highest selling region and has been for over a decade but it's also one of the worst regions for 360 sales. This whole narrative of 'unbiased' sales talk from him is getting very tiresome.


User was moderated for this post - Conegamer

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cookingyourmama said:
Ah yes i see Kowenicki being him usual self again, almost exclusively in threads being positive about Microsoft and negative about Sony, and he's still trying to claim that the 360 is 'more than likely' beating the PS3 when it's a stone cold fact that for countless years now, whatever amount the 360 has outsold the PS3 in the USA (NPD), the PS3 outsells the 360 in Japan by roughly the same amount per year (Media Create).

So some how magically the 360 has to be outselling the PS3 in Europe+the rest of the world when Europe+the rest of the world is not only the Playstation's highest selling region and has been for over a decade but it's also one of the worst regions for 360 sales. This whole narrative of 'unbiased' sales talk from him is getting very tiresome.

First of all, no need to needlessly call kowen out, you just got yourself banned most likely. Secondly it was me that said 360 > PS3.

Forget sold to consumer look at shipments. They're on par these days. Both shipped the same amount during the holidays (3.5m~) both have shipped same amount this past Q (800k~)

Add to that fact MS announced 80m weeks before Sony did last November, how exactly do you arrive at PS3 having outsold 360 for countless years?


Interesting read, every year I expect Sony to turn a corner but it never happens.

cookingyourmama said:
Ah yes i see Kowenicki being him usual self again, almost exclusively in threads being positive about Microsoft and negative about Sony, and he's still trying to claim that the 360 is 'more than likely' beating the PS3 when it's a stone cold fact that for countless years now, whatever amount the 360 has outsold the PS3 in the USA (NPD), the PS3 outsells the 360 in Japan by roughly the same amount per year (Media Create).

So some how magically the 360 has to be outselling the PS3 in Europe+the rest of the world when Europe+the rest of the world is not only the Playstation's highest selling region and has been for over a decade but it's also one of the worst regions for 360 sales. This whole narrative of 'unbiased' sales talk from him is getting very tiresome.

Numbers are unbiased, like it or not :) Do not take this personnaly, it is not Kowen's fault if they are bad news about Sony...

kirby007 said:
I'm not even sure if brett knows, I can't remember whens the last time he checked the forum and saw calculated estimates like these

I'm not even sure Brett knows the forum is still here..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

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DanneSandin said:
I have two major observations:
Game division will probably be profitable next FY
Sony Pictures might not do as well as it could have with Spiderman 2 not doing great (and will get stomped all over the place by Godzilla and X-Men will kill it right off).

lol its made 553m in box office...

Wow ... that was an insight ...


zuvuyeay said:
why don't vgc change the ltd's of 360/PS3 then if everyone is certain

because if everyone is certain then that means the ps2 had a better year after sony killed it then its last year

Max King of the Wild said:
zuvuyeay said:
why don't vgc change the ltd's of 360/PS3 then if everyone is certain

because if everyone is certain then that means the ps2 had a better year after sony killed it then its last year

You know why those shipments were high, it was the final shipment and cumulated.

What's your argument for PS3 > 360 in terms of shipments?


Seece said:

Wow ... that was an insight ...

the US has shit like that. Hearing things like that is... ulgh. Teachers sit in large offices reading papers and getting paid full wage... teachers that deserve to be fired because they did something wrong. but they cant be fired