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What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%
celador said:
bananaking21 said:

hey if its CGI and the game releases 9 months later like what happened with bloodborne then i am happy. 

I don't mind CGI really. An initial reveal needs to give you a decent idea on the type of game it is, gameplay impressions can come afterwards.

You mentioned the nine month time frame, and that is what I want Sony to avoid, announcing games a long way off. Holiday 2016 should be the absolute latest a new game reveal should be pencilled in for. It's fine if a game gets delayed into 2017, but please don't show games you know will not make 2016 at E3 in 2015.

I just don't get excited by CGI trailers, cause I know that that's not what the game will look like in the end, the Bloodborne situation was ok because we got gameplay just 2 months later but things like Crackdown 3, Phantom Dust, Scalebound or even The Order 1886 (I realize that that wasn't CGI but it was still a pretty unhelpful teaser trailer) where you get the trailer and then nothing for months after that just annoy the hell out of me.

Around the Network

- Star Wars: Battlefront

- Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

- Ratchet & Clank

- Mad Max

- Destiny DLC

- No Man's Sky

- Tearaway Unfolded

- Until Dawn

- Street Fighter V

- Uannounced Game from Level-5

- Uannounced Game from Guerrilla Games

- Uannounced Game from Sony Bend

& Possible

- Red Dead Redemption 2 

The Last Guardian

- Uannounced Game from
Quantic Dream

- Unannounced Game from Media Molecule

This is basically what I think they will show.

I wonder what they will show of Uncharted 4. Not much surely. We have already seen a 15 minute gameplay demo, and now with the delay it is not necessary to show a great deal more. I'd question whether it even needs to be there with an event like PSX to come much nearer the release date.

celador said:
I wonder what they will show of Uncharted 4. Not much surely. We have already seen a 15 minute gameplay demo, and now with the delay it is not necessary to show a great deal more. I'd question whether it even needs to be there with an event like PSX to come much nearer the release date.

More gameplay with MP teaser at the end?

You get a hat, and you get a hat!

You're all getting hats!

Around the Network
poklane said:
celador said:
I wonder what they will show of Uncharted 4. Not much surely. We have already seen a 15 minute gameplay demo, and now with the delay it is not necessary to show a great deal more. I'd question whether it even needs to be there with an event like PSX to come much nearer the release date.

More gameplay with MP teaser at the end?

if it were up to me(which it isnt, im just in charge of the world, Sony is indeed from outer space, you heard that from me first). id rather they only show MP. i saw single player gameplay and i dont need to see more, however i loved uncharted's multiplayer more than the single player, and SO wanna see what they have cooking for us. 

bananaking21 said:

if it were up to me(which it isnt, im just in charge of the world, Sony is indeed from outer space, you heard that from me first). id rather they only show MP. i saw single player gameplay and i dont need to see more, however i loved uncharted's multiplayer more than the single player, and SO wanna see what they have cooking for us. 

That was exactly what I thought about Metal Gear Solid V. They've shown the story several times, and I feel like, even if they have shown MGO once, they haven't made a live demo yet, and doing one on Sony's E3 would get many fans hyped.

Who would present MGSV on Sony's stage, Kojima? Not going to happen.

LordLichtenstein said:
Who would present MGSV on Sony's stage, Kojima? Not going to happen.

they can just show a trailer without a presentor to show it. 

LordLichtenstein said:
Who would present MGSV on Sony's stage, Kojima? Not going to happen.

If only he just walked from the audience, dodged the security and climbed the stage to speak about the game. That alone would make it the best E3 in history.

Seriously though, if Metal Gear Online were to be presented at E3, the Kojima Studios Los Angeles devs would be the ones to do it since they developed the online.