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What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%
bananaking21 said:
celador said:


IGN - Since we have nothing else on PS4 to compare it to yet, I'd say that Driveclub's 1080p, 30 frame-per-second graphics are roughly on par with Forza Motorsport 5's 1080p/60fps looks. I'd give the slight edge to Forza when making a mental comparison, but I'd have to put them side-by-side in order to really make a call. But this isn't a console face-off; PS4 players are


which editor is this? Forza 5 is not even in the same league as driveclub visually. 

Ryan Mccaffrey

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celador said:

Ryan Mccaffrey

lol that guy is a bigger fanboy than grig miller. 

celador said:

Ryan Mccaffrey

LMAO, who the fuck puts him on a PS4 exclusive? You know he's gonna talk shit. From his Twitter:

Executive Editor of Previews and Xbox Guru-in-Chief at . I tweet about video games, the , and cars a lot -- like my old DeLorean (hence the DMC).

bananaking21 said:
celador said:

Ryan Mccaffrey

lol that guy is a bigger fanboy than grig miller. 

Is IGN in a bad financial shape or something? Did they get hit with layoffs? 

Cause now after this Goldfrab/Goldfarb guy left and Greg is not really a Playstation editor anymore, they are left with Colin only. And now the Selnor of IGN is getting involved in Playstation stuff Like MLB the show, now DriveClub, WTF?

Or is IGN changing their philosophy and no more exclusive editors? It will be like Polygon with Gies reviewing PS games lol.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

What the actual fuck? there is no reason to even mention Forza in that preview, and ontop of that he has point out the framerate differences? wtf

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Chevinator123 said:
What the actual fuck? there is no reason to even mention Forza in that preview, and ontop of that he has point out the framerate differences? wtf

I didn't mind the mention, however, I laughed out loud when he said 'But this isn't a platform comparison', after comparing the two. *chuckle*

Chevinator123 said:
What the actual fuck? there is no reason to even mention Forza in that preview, and ontop of that he has point out the framerate differences? wtf

His whole little preview was aimed to fuel the console war.

poklane said:
Chevinator123 said:
What the actual fuck? there is no reason to even mention Forza in that preview, and ontop of that he has point out the framerate differences? wtf

His whole little preview was aimed to fuel the console war.

Which is why I pick and choose the sites I frequent with much more scrutiny these days.  I haven't gone to IGN in years, for precisely that reason.

PS4 hardware already being sold for a profit according to Kaz. Good news

mornelithe said:
poklane said:
Chevinator123 said:
What the actual fuck? there is no reason to even mention Forza in that preview, and ontop of that he has point out the framerate differences? wtf

His whole little preview was aimed to fuel the console war.

Which is why I pick and choose the sites I frequent with much more scrutiny these days.  I haven't gone to IGN in years, for precisely that reason.

You should see the comment section on or on their Youtube channel once at a news article about a PS4 or XB1 exclusive, all you see is ''LOLOLOL ponies crying fuck them'' and ''LOLOLOL Xbots 720p lololol 30fps lololol''