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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS Community Reborn!!!-An outbreak?! PSX has a date!!!


What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%


Polygon - It is fun, in the way of racing games that are neither too simmy nor too arcadey. As I zoomed through the curvy lanes of an Indian rural mountainside, past the lusty green fields, my car gave up slides and turns without complaint or penalty. Oh sure, on my first try I came in last. But on my second I was mixing it up with the winners. I wanted to play some more.

thesixaxis - uch is made about the refresh rate in games these days, and if that is something that matters so absolutely to you that you will not play a game, then Driveclub is not for you. However, it is consistent and is rendered in 1080p with a rock solid 30 frames per second no matter what’s being thrown about on screen.

The graphics engine, the variety of locations and the depth to the details in every aspect of the game is impressive, with further graphical effects and refinements still to come, while the core driving experience was easy to pick up and play, but over time will hopefully also be able to offer the depth and nuance that the more vocal racing fans demand.

IGN - Since we have nothing else on PS4 to compare it to yet, I'd say that Driveclub's 1080p, 30 frame-per-second graphics are roughly on par with Forza Motorsport 5's 1080p/60fps looks. I'd give the slight edge to Forza when making a mental comparison, but I'd have to put them side-by-side in order to really make a call. But this isn't a console face-off; PS4 players are certainly not going to be disappointed by Driveclub's looks.

Game Informer - First of all, the game looks great. It's fast and the couple of cars I drove felt good – somewhere in between being casual and being sim. The lighting effects make the world pop out, and you can even change the time elapse of day into night. On the track, the A.I. cars exhibited some different lines. I didn't win the two races I participated in, which I take as a good sign!

Around the Network

Shadow of Mordor is gonna be fuuuuuuun


celador said:


IGN - Since we have nothing else on PS4 to compare it to yet, I'd say that Driveclub's 1080p, 30 frame-per-second graphics are roughly on par with Forza Motorsport 5's 1080p/60fps looks. I'd give the slight edge to Forza when making a mental comparison, but I'd have to put them side-by-side in order to really make a call. But this isn't a console face-off; PS4 players are certainly not going to be disappointed by Driveclub's looks.

poklane said:
celador said:


IGN - Since we have nothing else on PS4 to compare it to yet, I'd say that Driveclub's 1080p, 30 frame-per-second graphics are roughly on par with Forza Motorsport 5's 1080p/60fps looks. I'd give the slight edge to Forza when making a mental comparison, but I'd have to put them side-by-side in order to really make a call. But this isn't a console face-off; PS4 players are certainly not going to be disappointed by Driveclub's looks.

He's pretty well known to be biased.  As soon as the news started coming out early this year about different resolutions he repeatedly talked about how there wasn't a difference between 720 and 1080p.  He also describes himself as an 'xbox guru' on his twitter.


Around the Network

Anyone playing Transistor, Make sure to go into options and turn the Pad speaker on in the game.

So much cooler getting the narration through the pad, with the flashing light it does feel like your pad is the one talking :)

Some info on Minecraft PS3+Vita Edition and PS4 edition


  • Minecraft: Playstation 3 + Vita Edition will be available on the PSN in August.
  • It will include all the features from the most recent Playstation 3 version, including online play, on Vita.
  • If you’ve bought Minecraft: Playstation 3 Edition from PSN you’ll be able to upgrade for free.
  • We are working closely with Sony Computer Entertainment to look into ways to enable upgrade from the Blu-ray disc version of Minecraft: Playstation 3 Edition to Minecraft: Playstation 3 and Vita. We’ll have more info on this closer to release.
  • This means everyone who has bought Minecraft: Playstation 3 Edition from PSN will get it on Vita for free. Those fluent in Sony-speak might refer to the deal as “Cross-buy.”
  • Minecraft: Playstation 3 + Vita Edition will cost $19.99.
  • It doesn’t matter if you buy for PS3 or Vita first, you own the game for both platforms.
  • Saves are transferrable between the Playstation 3 and Vita versions of Minecraft. You will be able to craft at home on your Playstation 3, then continue on the bus/toilet with your Playstation Vita.
  • All of the DLC you’ve purchased for Minecraft: Playstation 3 Edition will work on Playstation 3 + Vita Edition.


  • Minecraft: Playstation 4 Edition will be released on the PSN in August. It brings significantly bigger worlds and a greater draw distance than Playstation 3 + Vita Edition.
  • It will include all the features from the most recent Playstation 3 version.
  • Minecraft: Playstation 4 Edition will cost $19.99.
  • If you’ve Playstation 3 Edition from the Playstation Network you will be able to upgrade for $4.99.
  • You will be able to upgrade for a minimum of a year after the release date.
  • We are working closely with Sony Computer Entertainment to look into ways to enable upgrade from the Blu-ray disc version of Minecraft: Playstation 3 Edition to Minecraft: Playstation 4 Edition. We’ll have more info on this closer to release.
  • Players with Playstation 3 Edition or Playstation 3 + Vita Edition saves will be able to import their worlds to Playstation 4. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to transfer your saves from Playstation 4 to Playstation 3/Vita. There are technical reasons for this; we can make worlds bigger without too much stress, but shrinking them causes all kinds of problems.
  • Cross-platform play will not be possible between Playstation 3 + Vita Edition and Playstation 4 Edition.
  • Many, but not all, of the DLC skins and texture packs you’ve purchased for Playstation 3 Edition will be available for use in Playstation 4 Edition. We’d like to say all your DLC would transfer but some of the items are trapped in licensing deals that are too boring to get into here. We’ll have more on this soon.

I could say how excited we are to be showing you this trailer, but I have an idea of what you really want to know… so let’s just cut to the chase. Metro Redux runs at 1080p, 60FPS on PlayStation 4. We had to sneak the PS4 development kits into Kiev to make it happen, but we wholeheartedly think it was worth it.

Metro Redux includes Metro 2033 (for the first time ever on a PlayStation platform) and Metro: Last Light, remastered for PlayStation 4, with all the gameplay, AI, gunplay, and graphical improvements we added in Last Light now applied to both games.

You’ll be able to download each game – Metro 2033 Redux and Metro: Last Light Redux – from PlayStation Store – or if you prefer, pick up the boxed Metro Redux double pack. Expect to hear a lot more news from us between now and release later this summer! In the meantime, please enjoy our screens of the game!


Wow I'm honestly very surprised that they managed to get Cross-buy for the Vita and only 4,99 upgrade for the PS4! I wonder how much it cost Sony cause the game would sell anyway, so they have to make up for it. Don't know if it's the best business decision, great for the consumer though.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

celador said:


IGN - Since we have nothing else on PS4 to compare it to yet, I'd say that Driveclub's 1080p, 30 frame-per-second graphics are roughly on par with Forza Motorsport 5's 1080p/60fps looks. I'd give the slight edge to Forza when making a mental comparison, but I'd have to put them side-by-side in order to really make a call. But this isn't a console face-off; PS4 players are


which editor is this? Forza 5 is not even in the same league as driveclub visually.