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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS Community Reborn!!!-An outbreak?! PSX has a date!!!


What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%

Transistor and Wolfenstein release Tuesday. Who's getting what?

Around the Network
celador said:
Transistor and Wolfenstein release Tuesday. Who's getting what?

Waiting for Watch Dogs.

TheGoldenBoy said:
celador said:
Transistor and Wolfenstein release Tuesday. Who's getting what?

Waiting for Watch Dogs.

Same here.

Transistor maybe when it's on sale for $5

Wolfenstein never.

Burek said:
TheGoldenBoy said:
celador said:
Transistor and Wolfenstein release Tuesday. Who's getting what?

Waiting for Watch Dogs.

Same here.

Transistor maybe when it's on sale for $5

Wolfenstein never.

Yeah I just don't find any of them interesting and Watch Dogs seems the best out of the three and I need something to play. If I had a Wii U I would get MK8, but I'm not getting that until SSB releases. 

celador said:
Transistor and Wolfenstein release Tuesday. Who's getting what?

Transistor only.

I'll get Wolfenstein on Steam's summer sale.

Don't care for Watch Dogs.

Around the Network
celador said:
Transistor and Wolfenstein release Tuesday. Who's getting what?


Planetside 2 PS4 off-screen pic

DerNebel said:
4k1x3r said:
When is Sony FY report?

Last wednesday.

Oh. So what were the shipment numbers?

4k1x3r said:
DerNebel said:
4k1x3r said:
When is Sony FY report?

Last wednesday.

Oh. So what were the shipment numbers?

3.7m PS4+PS3

Here's the thread:

DerNebel said:
4k1x3r said:

Oh. So what were the shipment numbers?

3.7m PS4+PS3

Here's the thread:

TYVM kind sir!