Hey, PlayStation fans! Greg Bauman here from Edge of Reality, the dangerous lunatics behind Loadout. Last week, we told you that Loadout was going to launch on PlayStation 4 in the near future, but today I’m here to tell you just how near the future is: you’ll be able to download and play Loadout for free via PlayStation Store on Wednesday 17th December.
We’ve put together a launch trailer that shows off all the incredible stuff that PS4 players are going to get this month. Seriously, we’ve got a lot in store for everyone. It’s not just the billions of guns – we’d feel downright rude if we weren’t including the billions of guns. No, there’s way more that we’ve packed into Loadout. Take a look at some of it here… and pay attention near the end for an extra treat!
We agonised for weeks over what we ought to get you guys for the holidays. I mean, we were already giving you all these guns and all the ammo to go with them – so what do you get for the PlayStation fan who has everything? That’s when it hit us: you help them to be a PlayStation fan.
The launch of Loadout on PS4 is going to include the SuperFan Bonus Pack for PlayStation Plus members as a free gift from us to you! Slather up your character with some stylish and only slightly radioactive body paint in the classic PS4-themed blue and whites. Heck, if you get some red splattered in there – just saying, it’s a possibility – it becomes patriotic. See, it works on lots of levels!
You’ll be able to experience the ventilated torsos, burnt body hair, and embarrassingly huge gun collections of Loadout in just about two weeks, rendered in all the gruesome detail that the PS4 can provide. We can’t wait to see all of you running around in our world and leaving little pieces of your friends all over it. Don’t worry – the levels clean right up between matches, and we brought enough body bags for everyone.
December 16th in the US!