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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS Community Reborn!!!-An outbreak?! PSX has a date!!!


What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%
eFKac said:


Around the Network

Resogun's Heroes DLC is really good. I'd recommend it if you're good at the game tho, it's quite hard if you've only mastered Resogun on the lowest difficulty.

poklane said:
Resogun's Heroes DLC is really good. I'd recommend it if you're good at the game tho, it's quite hard if you've only mastered Resogun on the lowest difficulty.

What's in the Season Pass besides it? I'm yet to decide what to get. 

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

eFKac said:
poklane said:
Resogun's Heroes DLC is really good. I'd recommend it if you're good at the game tho, it's quite hard if you've only mastered Resogun on the lowest difficulty.

What's in the Season Pass besides it? I'm yet to decide what to get. 

Another unannounced DLC of about the same size, so I'd expect two other modes.

poklane said:
US PS+ for July
PS4: TowerFall Ascension
PS4: Strider
PS3: Dead Space 3
PS3: Vessel
Vita: Muramasa Rebirth
Vita: Doki Doki Universe

Towerfall, Dead Space 3, Strider, and Muramasa. Great lineup for me. Though that's 4 new games to add to my back catalogue. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Around the Network

Just looked up Vessel. Puzzle platformer. Think I'll pass

Ka-pi96 said:
poklane said:
Sony should really add an option to the PSN Store where you can buy something directly of your creditcard/paypal account or whatever you're using. I'm gonna buy the Resogun Season Pass for €8, but if I want it I have to deposit €10 on my PSN account :/

Agreed! So much agreement right here!

I always have a little amount left over, it's so annoying

I had €0.17 on my account already, I guess it's from 17 previous purchases :p

papamudd said:
not even 500 pages yet here!?! fail gooch I nominate eFKac for new king of the nation :P

what the!!! i am the rightful king!!

gooch_destroyer said:
Ka-pi96 said:
gooch_destroyer said:

New game you guys!

Soooo... when can I preorder?

at some Lewd site.

thats funny i was playing Hyperdimension Neptunia for the first time today and i got so bored that i opened another new game that i bought... GTA V and after downloading 9 patches and waiting for a 8.9 gigabite install i was just to bored to play... and i ended up just turning off the system...

i knew the first nep was well... lets say not a great game but i also knew the second one was ok and the third one is actually good so i bought all 3 games... and now i must (somehow), finish the first game move on to the second and finally get to the good one...

yes im that kind of person...

bananaking21 said:
papamudd said:
not even 500 pages yet here!?! fail gooch I nominate eFKac for new king of the nation :P

what the!!! i am the rightful king!!

Agreed. Ignore all these false pretenders!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.