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What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%

Sony are really pushing this E3, just disabled ad block and notices Eurogamer and IGN are covered in PS4 ads for the games there bringing this year.

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Chevinator123 said:

LEAKED Bloodborne GAMEPLAY trailer,

looks like an old build, still has the Pbeast name

Edit: webm here

Chevinator123 said:

Lead Programmer @ ND

No downgrades.

Elephant riding looks pretty cool

Sony Worldwide Studios Boss Shuhei Yoshida Apologizes for PS4 Game Delays, Explains Why It’s Happening

June 12, 2014 Written by Alex Co


So I apologize for some of the games we pushed back, but when people ask me “We’ve been saying the PS4 is very easy to develop for, why are teams taking time?” The reason is, it’s very easy to develop games on the PS4, except that PS4 can do so much, that a team’s ambition is much higher. What they are trying to achieve, they are challenging, y’know, something new. More realistic graphics, social connectivity, or seamless integration of single-player and multiplayer. And they are encountering new kinds of challenges, so they have to take more time than they anticipated. But luckily, more people are now more understanding and more accomodating for the needs of the development team. And they (gamers) say they’d rather wait to play the best game the team can make rather than play a rushed title; because each development is such a big effort.

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Anybody noticed that at the start of Sony's E3 conference, Andrew House said ''Destiny is just the tip of the iceberg of all the Playstation 4 games that we'll show tonight. They're either exclusive to PS4, look better (lol), feature exclusive content, or the ability to play it before any other platform.'' So I guess it would also be fair to say that Mortal Kombat X will get something exclusive, like a character such as they had Kratos for Mortal Kombat 9?

The Order: 1886′s CTO Talks Linearity, Gameplay and More; PS4 “Best Console Ever Made by Sony”
by Giuseppe Nelva


The Order: 1886′s CTO Talks Linearity, Gameplay and More; PS4 “Best Console Ever Made by Sony”

We saw quite a lot about The Order: 1886 at E3, but some complained about the fact that the demo seemed a but linear. Ready at Dawn Chief Technical Officer Andrea Pessino addressed that issue and a lot more in a definitely interesting video interview on the Italian website Multiplayer.

Pessino started off by explained that the plan for Ready at Dawn has always been to grow ever since the times of development on PSP, and he jokingly mentioned that The Order is the first step in dominating the universe.
He also explained that everything used to develop The Order: 1886 is proprietary, from physics to everything else. The team uses nothing that isn’t made in-house.

With The Order 1886 the goal is to introduce the world of the game to the players, and the title is first and foremost a third person action adventure game, while the cinematic aspect should not be considered the most important aspect, but something that enriches the game.

Pessino mentioned that he thinks that those that tried the game already realize that it’s a very rewarding and fun shooter. There are very interesting and new mechanics like the Thermite Gun and the Blacksight, and the idea is to create an experience that will be, as a whole, really unique.

He also explained that there are moments that are very linear, like what was shown on stage, which is a part of the game that focuses on telling the story, but it’s indeed just a part of the game, and not all of it is like that. It’s actually “quite the opposite.”

We also learn that from now until the title’s release, everything that will be shown will be focused on core gameplay. Pessino thinks that setting, narration, visuals and audio have already been plenty convincing for the audience, but from now on it’s time to introduce more core gameplay details.

Talking about PS4, he mentioned that the console is surely not “hard” to code for, even if it’s never easy to make any platform really shine. Yet, according to him PS4 is “the best console ever made by Sony.” That’s because since the very beginning the opinion of developers hasn’t just been asked for, but also listened to, ranging from the tools, the oprating system and the general architecture. He credits Mark Cerny for having created this new culture within Sony.

The studio is still getting used to the enormous quantity of feedback they’re receiving on the game: last year people couldn’t even believe the first trailer was actually rendered in real time while now some count polygons hunting for downgrades. On the contrary, everything, from visuals to the simulation aspect is much better than it used to be when the game was introduced. So feedback is fantastic, but learning to filter it to understand what gamers really want is something Ready at Dawn is still working on.

Pessino concluded the interview by saying that he thinks and hopes that those that will try the finished game will be very happy about it. In the end The Order: 1886 is a game with an unique setting and a very interesting story, but ultimately combat will be a lot of fun, and there will be weapons and moments which will be “absolutely unforgettable.”

New MGSV trailer, HD...

Been playing Destiny a bit, and I'm quite liking it. gives me a 'What if Mass Effect and Borderlands had a baby' feel, with a touch of modern shooter multiplayer, and since those two games are both awesome in their own right and Bungie is a tried and tested developer with their incomparable work on Halo (a game I didn't personally like but can appreciate the quality production values and story), I'm sold a dozen times over.

I love the open feel of it.

I love the gameplay elements of it.

I love the RPG elements of it

I love the visual fidelity and the art direction

I love the controls and features.

I even like themultiplayer from what little I played.

It isn't done and some tweaks NEED to be made, for sure, but I'm glad to have preordered it and for an 'alpha' test, it feels damn good and surprisingly near completion. Thumbs up from me!

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More details on the Far Cry 4 drop-in feature

''Players will be able to play Far Cry 4 cooperatively even if your friend doesn't own the game. This feature will be exclusive to the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 versions of the game.
PS3 and PS4 gamers without Far Cry 4 will be able to download a separate client that includes all of the game's assets besides the single-player missions. Those will not be playable cooperatively.
In addition, gameplay will be more difficult when you have your buddy at your side. The character players will control during co-op is Hurk, an NPC originally seen in Far Cry 3.''