bananaking21 said:
DerNebel said:
He's right to be excited. I might be getting a little overhyped here but I really think that this years is going to show how crappy the last two E3s from Sony actually were. They'll have an amazing show, even with a lot of third party stuff.
why do people consider third party stuff bad at E3 showings? id honestly be very disapointed if there was a weak third party showing at Sony and MS's E3. because at the end of the day i play and enjoy a lot of third party games. the more third party the better, because it means one thing, more games to play.
I understand the mentality actually, when I watch a Sony conference I'm doing that to see what they themselves are having in the works, I realize the importance of third party titles and that they are on the system, but I'm not excited by timed exclusive DLC and I don't need to have games that will be available everywhere to be shown at a Sony conference.
That being said, how can you not get excited by this?
Man, once I'm done with my presentation tomorrow I'll be able to fully concentrate on E3, this is going to be so much fun.