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Forums - Sony Discussion - Lair patch with normal controls: CONFIRMED!

@ kingofwale )

the game was released in europe in november

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Gnizmo said:
PooperScooper said:
"I am sorry your fanboyism doesn't let you see a bad game for what it truely is"

The opposite of bad is good. Let me reword your phrase for you.

"I am sorry your fanboyism does let you see a good game for what it truely is"

I'm sorry but you are saying "I cant see that it is a bad game." If I didn't think it was bad what would I have thought it was? Obviously good. "I can see that it is a good game" - is the same thing you are saying.

 Since we seem to be getting somewhere I will respond. Game quality is not binary. The opposite of good is bad, and the opposite of bad is good but that is largely irrelevant here. A game can be qualified as more than good or bad. There is unplayable, terrible, horrific, decent, ok but has a lot of bugs, could be good if it had some things fixed, etc etc. My statement was apparently too brief to fully convey what I was trying to say. My point was that even after the control patch the game is still probably going to be unplayable. Your post heavily implies you disagree with that statement.

I wouldn't say the game is unplayable.  I'd say it's not fun to control (again, the problem is not the motion).

Gnizmo - Now the reason I'm so called "defending" it is because I believe there are worse game out there with higher rating. I also believe the games with similar ratings than Lair are 10 times worse than Lair. I don't think it was a great game, but I don't believe it deserved such a low score comparing gaming scores.

I say Aye.. for those who are willing to give it a try. I didn't need this anymore, I've finished the game at my cousin's house. XD

Gnizmo: I believe that you're wrong,the quality of a game is not so an objectivism fact,it depends in your points of view about what's fun,I get bored with Wii sports & Wii Play but I cannot blame them for have "bad quality" even if in my personal point of view one boring game have "bad quality" ,look my point?
I believe too,that the objective of this patch,is to caught the interest of the scared people about the controls,with the release of the "greatest hits"(its called silver line in Japan?) in Japan and worldwide for sure in a brief time.
This way,with better controls and cheaper,Lair can move some units.
Perhaps I'll give it a chance as some people discouraged to buy the game because the motion problems in the reviews.

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Great ... maybe we will see some new reviews to boost the overall :P Though I doubt it .

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

Yeah, I played the game, and the controls are god-awful.

But with patched controls, this game would deserve a buy. Yes the missions are repetitive, but that doesn't stop other games with repetitive missions getting bought *cough* Dynasty Warriors 2,3,4,5,and 6 *cough*. People buy repetitive games, I think with a patch-and a re-launch, this game could sell pretty well.

@ DMeisterJ, DW 2 was innovative, 1 was a beat em up, and 2 completely changed that

^^yeah, I was planning on buying this game for the jaw-dropping graphics and awesome musical score alone. However, when I found out you were required to use the motion controls in the game, I didn't buy it. I had tried playing Motorstorm with the motion sensor and it was really tough. I didn't want to spend money even on a rental to play a game that requires you to use motion controls. (if I want a game like that, I'll buy it for my Wii) If they fix the controls, I might look into it though. Going by the trailers, it does have the best graphics I've seen in a video game so far (though Uncharted gives it a run for its money) and it had a very cool soundtrack as well.

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

Munkeh111 said:
@ DMeisterJ, DW 2 was innovative, 1 was a beat em up, and 2 completely changed that


Fix'd, free of charge!