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Gnizmo said:
PooperScooper said:
"I am sorry your fanboyism doesn't let you see a bad game for what it truely is"

The opposite of bad is good. Let me reword your phrase for you.

"I am sorry your fanboyism does let you see a good game for what it truely is"

I'm sorry but you are saying "I cant see that it is a bad game." If I didn't think it was bad what would I have thought it was? Obviously good. "I can see that it is a good game" - is the same thing you are saying.

 Since we seem to be getting somewhere I will respond. Game quality is not binary. The opposite of good is bad, and the opposite of bad is good but that is largely irrelevant here. A game can be qualified as more than good or bad. There is unplayable, terrible, horrific, decent, ok but has a lot of bugs, could be good if it had some things fixed, etc etc. My statement was apparently too brief to fully convey what I was trying to say. My point was that even after the control patch the game is still probably going to be unplayable. Your post heavily implies you disagree with that statement.

I wouldn't say the game is unplayable.  I'd say it's not fun to control (again, the problem is not the motion).