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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony's in a 'bag of hurt' because of Blu-ray

still quite a few movie nerds around who want a physical copy like how albums haven't died out but obviously will be niche,just like how us nerds by different TV's too if we have the cash

it is annoying when movies are interrupted due to internet/bad service with new HD releases but i agree netflix and the equivalents are the future of film/boxset watching no doubt

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond


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vivster said:
Really, I would be dancing in the streets for the death of optical media but it's not so much fun anymore seeing who has to bleed for it.

Really? I would not give a f* about a company trying to get some kind of media monopoly and then failing.

The only reasons why I would shed a tear is because collectors cant collect anymore and because you will have a hard time finding great bargains. I mean if there is no 100 "old" game copies to get rid of because the next "AAA" title needs shelf space you will not be able to get Dark Cloude 1 and Kid Icarus Uprising for 5 bucks or BackToTheFuture 1 steelbook edition on bluray for 2 bucks.  Sure the average joe does not care about great value but some people actually do.

Digital only probably will be the end of the smart consumer being able to find real bargains.  Pseudo bargains like 20 year old Jedi Knight on steam for ONLY (rofl) 4 bucks is a joke. 
I mean just look at Steam's WatchDogs -19% promotion so you get the game for ONLY 49.99. Seriously 50 bucks is PC standard pricing how is this 19% discount? Especially for digital zeroes and ones....   This will happen all the time when retail is gone. Companies taking advantage of the not so aware consumer.

Right now I get all my games cheaper from retail (MK8 for only 40 bucks) than I would ever be able to get them from any digital marketplace.  Thank god steam allows other online shops to sell steam keys but even those are more expensive 90% of the time. Some people might even say physical is better because it creates JOBS! :)

And if you are done watching a movie or if you finished a game you can also not gift it to one of your friends or family members  because you cant give away activated digital goods.

Also NO THANKS to "here have some arbitrary barely legal  EULA shit. Oh you didnt read 1000 pages and therefore you didn't obey by accident we will now block you from ever having access to your game library again k thanks"....  I prefer to actually own my games.

So I hope physical games stay for at least 2 more generations. (I do have 500 games on steam tho xD but not much of real value )

JazzB1987 said:
vivster said:
Really, I would be dancing in the streets for the death of optical media but it's not so much fun anymore seeing who has to bleed for it.

Really? I would not give a f* about a company trying to get some kind of media monopoly and then failing.

The only reasons why I would shed a tear is because collectors cant collect anymore and because you will have a hard time finding great bargains. I mean if there is no 100 "old" game copies to get rid of because the next "AAA" title needs shelf space you will not be able to get Dark Cloude 1 and Kid Icarus Uprising for 5 bucks or BackToTheFuture 1 steelbook edition on bluray for 2 bucks.  Sure the average joe does not care about great value but some people actually do.

Digital only probably will be the end of the smart consumer being able to find real bargains.  Pseudo bargains like 20 year old Jedi Knight on steam for ONLY (rofl) 4 bucks is a joke. 
I mean just look at Steam's WatchDogs -19% promotion so you get the game for ONLY 49.99. Seriously 50 bucks is PC standard pricing how is this 19% discount? Especially for digital zeroes and ones....   This will happen all the time when retail is gone. Companies taking advantage of the not so aware consumer.

Right now I get all my games cheaper from retail (MK8 for only 40 bucks) than I would ever be able to get them from any digital marketplace.  Thank god steam allows other online shops to sell steam keys but even those are more expensive 90% of the time. Some people might even say physical is better because it creates JOBS! :)

And if you are done watching a movie or if you finished a game you can also not gift it to one of your friends or family members  because you cant give away activated digital goods.

Also NO THANKS to "here have some arbitrary barely legal  EULA shit. Oh you didnt read 1000 pages and therefore you didn't obey by accident we will now block you from ever having access to your game library again k thanks"....  I prefer to actually own my games.

So I hope physical games stay for at least 2 more generations. (I do have 500 games on steam tho xD but not much of real value )

Browsing (US) is an eye opener. It lists Amazon instant video as well as an option.
For example The Matrix Amazon instant video HD purchase $12.99 per title, blu-ray box set $21.99 or $11.95 for just the triple feature.
Terminator 2, Amazon instant video HD purchase $13.99, Blu-ray $5.00
The wolf of wall street, Amazon instant video HD purchase $19.99, Blu-ray + dvd + digital HD copy =  $12.99

And it's not just Amazon, digital prices are the same on the iTunes video store, although that doesn't even have older movies.
PSN and Xbox video are even more expensive: The wolf of wall street is $24.99 for the HD version. The Matrix $14.99 a piece, no Terminator 2, They both have the 3rd one for $14.99, XBox video also has the first one but only in SD for $9.99.

People must be really lazy to pay more for lower quality and the inconvenience of being tied to several incomplete services.

Renting is a bit better, $5.99 for HD on PSN and XBox video, $4.99 on Amazon instant video. Consume within 48 hours ofcourse. Red box $2.00 a day per blu-ray disk. The days of rent 3 blu-rays for 10$ for 3 days or a week, with a huge selection to choose from are gone.

SvennoJ said:

 I recently imported princess mononoke on blu-ray. I have watched the dvd at least 15 times, and in the blu-ray version I immediately noticed the extra detail and the lack of compression artifacts. Plus the sound was a big improvement as well.

Princess Mononoke got released on Bluray and NO ONE TOLD ME??!!!!

VitroBahllee said:
WTF! If "Good enough" is good enough, why such hate for the Xbox One and its lower resolutions? People on here really don't care about image quality? Could have FOOLED ME in all the X1 related threads.

But if it's about movies, then SCREW resolution, quality, color-depth, etc. Just 'good enough' is fine.

I don't get people.

I am definitely an old-school physical media junkie. I am NOT looking forward to streaming everything  and hope that won't fully be the case in the future tho I have a bad feeling its on an unstoppable course. As previously stated, the quality sucks and it leaves too much power in the hands of the studios and yes I know  its THEIR game, movie, etc. but I refer back to George Lucas "improving" his trilogy and wanting the original to never be seen that way they can actually make that happen as there will be no hard copy available to consumers. And BOY HOWDY just wait til its fully adopted and those prices just keep creeping higher and higher...kind of the like the ebook price fixing scheme.

Try to do at least ONE good deed everyday....

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I'm glad I was able to get my panny 60vt60 in December. It's disgusting how wrong the general public is and was about tvs.

The Panasonic plasmas are just killer! I have one and I am actually considering buying an extra for upstairs before they go away forever. The LED models just cannot match that black level.

Try to do at least ONE good deed everyday....

JazzB1987 said:
vivster said:
Really, I would be dancing in the streets for the death of optical media but it's not so much fun anymore seeing who has to bleed for it.

Really? I would not give a f* about a company trying to get some kind of media monopoly and then failing.

The only reasons why I would shed a tear is because collectors cant collect anymore and because you will have a hard time finding great bargains. I mean if there is no 100 "old" game copies to get rid of because the next "AAA" title needs shelf space you will not be able to get Dark Cloude 1 and Kid Icarus Uprising for 5 bucks or BackToTheFuture 1 steelbook edition on bluray for 2 bucks.  Sure the average joe does not care about great value but some people actually do.

Digital only probably will be the end of the smart consumer being able to find real bargains.  Pseudo bargains like 20 year old Jedi Knight on steam for ONLY (rofl) 4 bucks is a joke. 
I mean just look at Steam's WatchDogs -19% promotion so you get the game for ONLY 49.99. Seriously 50 bucks is PC standard pricing how is this 19% discount? Especially for digital zeroes and ones....   This will happen all the time when retail is gone. Companies taking advantage of the not so aware consumer.

Right now I get all my games cheaper from retail (MK8 for only 40 bucks) than I would ever be able to get them from any digital marketplace.  Thank god steam allows other online shops to sell steam keys but even those are more expensive 90% of the time. Some people might even say physical is better because it creates JOBS! :)

And if you are done watching a movie or if you finished a game you can also not gift it to one of your friends or family members  because you cant give away activated digital goods.

Also NO THANKS to "here have some arbitrary barely legal  EULA shit. Oh you didnt read 1000 pages and therefore you didn't obey by accident we will now block you from ever having access to your game library again k thanks"....  I prefer to actually own my games.

So I hope physical games stay for at least 2 more generations. (I do have 500 games on steam tho xD but not much of real value )

I said optical media. There are other physical ways to carry digital content than discs.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

darkknightkryta said:
SvennoJ said:

 I recently imported princess mononoke on blu-ray. I have watched the dvd at least 15 times, and in the blu-ray version I immediately noticed the extra detail and the lack of compression artifacts. Plus the sound was a big improvement as well.

Princess Mononoke got released on Bluray and NO ONE TOLD ME??!!!!

Yes, I got the Hong Kong edition from Play-Asia (CAD 42). The Japan edition is CAD 82 to import.
Kiki's delivery service and Porco Rosso are also aready available in Europe, 15 euros, lucky bastards. Only Spirited away is still missing. Disney sucks with Studio Ghibli releases, they don't even have the license anymore for Mononoke, so I doubt it's coming to NA at all.

JazzB1987 said:

Digital only probably will be the end of the smart consumer being able to find real bargains.  Pseudo bargains like 20 year old Jedi Knight on steam for ONLY (rofl) 4 bucks is a joke. 
I mean just look at Steam's WatchDogs -19% promotion so you get the game for ONLY 49.99. Seriously 50 bucks is PC standard pricing how is this 19% discount? Especially for digital zeroes and ones....   This will happen all the time when retail is gone. Companies taking advantage of the not so aware consumer.

You're doing it wrong as a PC gamer.
You can get Watch Dogs for $40 AUD at Green Man Gaming. (Currently $60 AUD on steam.)

You should never pay full price for a PC game, there is *always* a sale on somewhere.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

I didn't think it would have been a bad choice to fight that battle for the physical media format. With the new technologies it has been a Pyrrhic victory and nothing more.

Sony is in big trouble, they have to reinvent themselves because lots of their business are in red and they can't afford it for a long time.