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VitroBahllee said:
WTF! If "Good enough" is good enough, why such hate for the Xbox One and its lower resolutions? People on here really don't care about image quality? Could have FOOLED ME in all the X1 related threads.

But if it's about movies, then SCREW resolution, quality, color-depth, etc. Just 'good enough' is fine.

I don't get people.

I am definitely an old-school physical media junkie. I am NOT looking forward to streaming everything  and hope that won't fully be the case in the future tho I have a bad feeling its on an unstoppable course. As previously stated, the quality sucks and it leaves too much power in the hands of the studios and yes I know  its THEIR game, movie, etc. but I refer back to George Lucas "improving" his trilogy and wanting the original to never be seen that way they can actually make that happen as there will be no hard copy available to consumers. And BOY HOWDY just wait til its fully adopted and those prices just keep creeping higher and higher...kind of the like the ebook price fixing scheme.

Try to do at least ONE good deed everyday....