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Forums - Movies & TV - Star Wars Episode VII Cast Announced

superchunk said:
DanneSandin said:
superchunk said:
omg can't wait... gonna be so awesome


U sure about that? I have my doubts... I'll go see it  no matter what though

I don't see why anyone would have doubts.

Disney has done very well with its recently acquired franchises like Marvel. It has a great director and writers from Empire Strikes Back. It also has original cast to begin the story transition among many other benefits.

This is going to be awesome.

Why shouldn't I have doubts?

Jokes aside, Abrams IS a good director, but is he a GREAT director? I actually don't think so. The question is if Star Wars needs a GREAT director; Lucas wasn't actually all that great either. Talented guy, very much so yes, but directing wasn't Lucas' biggest strength. But I have to agree that Disney has done right by Marvel! I just kinda fell that this might be a bit rushed; they announced the new movies almost the same day they bought Lucasfilms...

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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Not counting the prequals... its the second woman in the galaxy (with a major role) and the second black dude in the galaxy! xD


I hope we get stormtroopers hitting their heads on rising doors again. xD

Ka-pi96 said:
DanneSandin said:
melbye said:
Unknowns=good in my opinion

Wasnt Hayden whatever (Anakin) an unknown...?

Well assuming the character was supposed to be hated he played the role perfectly.


I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

If Disney doesn't give me a Smeagol reference in the movie I'm gonna go kill a cat. Or worse, a mouse.

Awesome cast, a mix of the old legends, two new guys I've heard of before and the rest newcomers (although I'm not so devoted into movies so I can't tell for sure). Glad to see they didn't just play it safe and hire Bale or whatnot. Assuming these new guys are good of cource.

Now about that Serkis... Is he going to be an evil ewok? I sure hope so!

I don't know any of these people and I have only fully watched, from start to finish, the third movie of the prequels.

Now, I truly give no shits about this franchise.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

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I want a Abrahams to have the original cast in their old outfits made up to look as young as possible for a promotional shot, Like they are going to reprise their roles at the same age as in the original movies, that would be hilarious.

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’

So JJ Abrams is done ruining Star Trek? Alright, hope he does better with this franchise. The cast looks promising enough. I'm curious to see what kind of creature Andy Serkis will be playing. Though I hate the idea of bring back the original trio, do we have to force a bunch of tired 70 year olds relive their glory days? Do we really want a repeat of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull?

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Courtesy of EG's comment section:

Jar Jar Abrams' STAR WARS

On serious note, great to see original cast back, and while I think the choice of director is quite poor, it can hardly get any worse than what Lucas did with prequels.

Pity they ditched EU, hope at least some good stuff will remain.

Fusioncode said:
So JJ Abrams is done ruining Star Trek? Alright, hope he does better with this franchise. The cast looks promising enough. I'm curious to see what kind of creature Andy Serkis will be playing. Though I hate the idea of bring back the original trio, do we have to force a bunch of tired 70 year olds relive their glory days? Do we really want a repeat of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull?

Seriously? Abrahams revived Star Trek. You should be thankful.

HoloDust said:
Courtesy of EG's comment section:

Jar Jar Abrams' STAR WARS

On serious note, great to see original cast back, and while I think the choice of director is quite poor, it can hardly get any worse than what Lucas did with prequels.

Pity they ditched EU, hope at least some good stuff will remain.

The lens flare thing makes sense in star trek. I doubt we will see it on star wars.