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Forums - Gaming Discussion - More than 100 things we've learned from the Metal Gear Series

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_crazy_man_ said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Raistline said:
NobleTeam360 said:
73. Big Boss is better than Solid Snake.

Dem's fightin werds!


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TruckOSaurus said:

9. War has changed

76. But.. but... Fallout tells me "War never changes".

77. Never underestimate a politician. Seriously.

Wright said:

77. Never underestimate a politician. Seriously.

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

78. If someone you've interacted with on a previous mission has a family member; chances are they will show up on your next mission.

79. Smoking is bad for your health, but good for sneaking missions.

80. If you plant a garden full of white flowers, make sure you don't die in the middle of it if you want them to stay that way.

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81. Don't have sex with your stepmother. There can be serious reprecussions that might jeopardize the mission.

82. If you already die once, you can't die again....until MGS4. Then you can die again.

83. You can be a goof off that farts and shits your pants and STILL marry Snake's ex girlfriend.

84. TheI Sorrow is probably watching you right now.

85. If you can twirl a pistol fast enough, you can kill a swarm of bees.

86. Sneaking suit with bright yellow arm and thigh bands still gives you a high camo index and makes you harder to see.

87. It's raining blood? Don't worry. It doesn't carry disease and it won't even stain your clothes.

89. Right before you die sure to tell your life story to the person that kills you. They need to know who you really were as a person...Oh. You aren't a boss? Well then fuck you and your story!!

90. If you are under life-threatening peril, a cyborg ninja will always be there to save you on the right moment.

brendude13 said:
curl-6 said:

15. Spamming a single button for five minutes is apparently  what passes for "gameplay" these days.

...Which part of the game is this exactly?

Microwave corridor, MGS4.