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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - How easy/hard is Metroid Fusion?



Very hard 3 6.98%
Hard 4 9.30%
Medium 15 34.88%
Easy 7 16.28%
Very easy 1 2.33%
See results 12 27.91%

Would someone who found Super Metroid and Prime 1 and 2 too difficult be able to finish it?

Thinking of buying it for my younger brother.

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RolStoppable said:
It's similar to Super Metroid in terms of difficulty, although with a total of 20 energy tanks the perceived difficulty can vary greatly. Fusion's bosses are also more challenging.

Thanks, I'll get something else then, no point buying something he won't finish.

Personally, from someone who played all Metroid games except the first 2 (need to get on those one day), I'm currently playing it and I think it's pretty hard.

The game does a great job to always show you where to go next w/o holding your hand by showing you how to get there, so I think it's perfect for that aspect. I'd even say that Fusions' hidden passages are usualy a little easier to find than Super Metroid but they are extremely similar in that aspect so maybe it's just me being better than I was when I was playing Super Metroid lol.

But the tricky part is the battles. Maybe I just suck at it but in 2D Metroids, you are bound into taking dmg, that's a given. But enemies hit you so hard it's rediculous. A single hit from a random ennemy can take away nearly a entire tank (100hp). Meanwhile, to regain health, those health you get when you kill monsters usualy only give around 10hp, and these hp that you have to grab runs away from you and if you wait to long to grab it it will turn back into a monster (often right at the second where your about to grab it so you run into the monster taking dmg). So because of all this, it's really hard and at times frustrating to keep your health up.


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I thought it was rather easy, save for the last boss. The fact that you can get more energy tanks than what is "normal" for it's point in the game means that if you struggles then you can upgrade to take more hits.

I found the exploration much easier than Super Metroid, but the end bosses much harder and not in a good way. The boss Nightmare felt broken to me, the hit box was finicky and the controls were awkward, in that you had to cling to the wall and then aim at the dodgy hitbox, while dodging attacks yourself.

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It is a good metroid game, I'm going to get it for sure.

RolStoppable said:
curl-6 said:

Thanks, I'll get something else then, no point buying something he won't finish.

How about you buy the game for yourself?

I may very well do so; want to get F Zero Maximum Velocity first though, and stagger my purchases to cover the time between now and MK8.

I recommend Zero Mission instead. An excellent remake of Metroid that feels more like Super Metroid and is easier IMO.

RolStoppable said:
mysteryman said:
I recommend Zero Mission instead. An excellent remake of Metroid that feels more like Super Metroid and is easier IMO.

Of course it's easier. It has an easy mode, after all.

It also has a hard mode, so it's harder than Fusion too.

I forgot all about difficulty levels, I played on normal and it was easier than Fusion and Super Metroid.

It's very similar to Super Metroid in terms of difficulty, but those boss battles......... Damn, man!

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