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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mario Kart 8 grafix

Well, I don't own a Wii-U yet, so MK8's graphics are meh.
But when I do own one they'll be awesome....

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Areym said:
Nem said:
Are we still entertaining ideas that the Wii U isnt next gen? For a non next gen system it sure is producing really good looking games that rival the so called "true" next-gen systems.

But does it really? It's not like you can compare this and Infamous SS or Titanfall on the xbox one. A fair comparison is knack, since they have similar artstyle (cartoonish) and MK8 mops the floor with Knack.

I agree with you, but because today's consoles are all capable of such impressive visuals, there isn't as big of a perceivable gap as, say, PS360 to Wii.

For example, when I'd play a good looking game on PS3 or 360 and then a Wii game there was a stark contrast there; even with lookers like Prime 3 or the Galaxies, the huge difference in resolution alone was easily noticeable, not to mention the other graphical elements.

Today, I can play Infamous SS or Titanfall and it doesn't prevent The Wonderful 101 or 3D World from impressing me visually, even if they are not technically at the same level.

i dont think this game is as technically impressive as some people claim, but dont mind me since is not my area of expertise.

Nevertheless, the game is really beautiful and im gonna get it day 1. Dust collector be prepared, youre gonna be clean anytime soon =¬}D

archbrix said:
Areym said:
Nem said:
Are we still entertaining ideas that the Wii U isnt next gen? For a non next gen system it sure is producing really good looking games that rival the so called "true" next-gen systems.

But does it really? It's not like you can compare this and Infamous SS or Titanfall on the xbox one. A fair comparison is knack, since they have similar artstyle (cartoonish) and MK8 mops the floor with Knack.

I agree with you, but because today's consoles are all capable of such impressive visuals, there isn't as big of a perceivable gap as, say, PS360 to Wii.

For example, when I'd play a good looking game on PS3 or 360 and then a Wii game there was a stark contrast there; even with lookers like Prime 3 or the Galaxies, the huge difference in resolution alone was easily noticeable, not to mention the other graphical elements.

Today, I can play Infamous SS or Titanfall and it doesn't prevent The Wonderful 101 or 3D World from impressing me visually, even if they are not technically at the same level.

At the end of the day that is what matters. Not the technical achievement, but the visual experience you perceive. 

Pemalite said:


Gustaf89 said:
im really sick of people saying "artistically is great, thecnically not so much"... PEOPLE. you need the TECH to pull out your Art Vision, The Wii U is capable for what Nintendo developers want to do, and that should be it. and if Nintendo can make games look so good on a "weak" hardware, the 3rd party should as well, I mean, Game budgets above the 100 millions and they can port a game correctly? give me a break

But it's the truth? Technically this is NOT a marvel, on a technical level we had PC games exceed this 7 years ago.
We have reached a point in this day and age where art can have a much larger impact than it used to, it can make or break a good/bad looking game.
This is obviously not an issue for Nintendo with it's great artistic flair' that it uses for it's titles, if anything they should be commended for it.

But you missed the point, the point was you need the hardware to pull out your artistic vision.

if this was achievable 7 years ago, then developers were too worried about 1080p/60fps,online multipyer, Cell Processor, 599 dollars,HARDCORE-shit, Call of duty and Fifas, to really pull out a game this pretty

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LOL.. so the haters come in here to say wiiU is lastgen with the PS360.. that defense

"oh noes.. a wiiU game that looks very nextgen is coming out.. better say some dumb shit about it.. hurr durr art style.. hurr durr art style.."


Ryudo said:
selnor1983 said:
Ryudo said:

For anyone who thinks this can run on PS3/360. MK8 to even run on PC would have to be developed with a 64bit OS in mind and PC games a good lot of them still develop under 32 bit.

Oh and guess what Mario kart has had 3 arcade games and the 2013 version is not running on triforce but a baord stronger than PS3/360 and this is the result

So even that 360 and PS3 would need a downgrade.

MK8 is both technically impressive and artistically. The game is the best looking console game to date. period.

Artistically thats possible.

Technically nowhere close.

You're a fucking moron if you believe your words. You're just on the bandwagon fucking Xbot. Proof is in the pudding and a blind man in a room full of ninjas can see that.


User was moderated for this post; also, it's "The proof of the pudding is in the eating" for future reference - Conegamer

Woah. Easy.

Technically, Ryse, Infamouus, Killzone, Forza 5, Battlefield 4 etc are much better. But artistically MK8 looks awesome. The graphics look really cool. Power isnt everything.

ICStats said:
Zekkyou said:

, so it has even less than i thought? Thanks for proving my point even more :) TLOU on only 256MB of ram. The power of optimization.

It's incorrect, PS3 has 256MB main RAM + 256MB dedicated GPU RAM for a total of 512.

Just to correct here, the ps3 has 256mb for video and 256mb for the system. Wich is the same as saying 256mb for games and 256mb for the operative system. 

I'll just say that it looks fantastic. Never thought I'll be more hyped about Mario Kart than 3D Mario on a console.

Also the Moo Moo Meadows comparison... just wow. Can't remember MKWii was THAT basic, art style wise.


Please, no one quote or respond to Ryudo's posts (or post on his wall to taunt him), he has been dealt with and won't take part in this discussion any longer and his posts should be ignored. And, once more; keep the tone civil in the thread from here on out, this is clearly not what the OP intended with his topic!