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Forums - General Discussion - Obama supporter PWN3D on MSNBC ...

I think its cause Matthews is a Clinton supporter, and Obama has spent his 3 years in the senate running for President, and hasnt done much work as a senator in that time.

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McCain or Obama. ehh. both are bad imo, but I think McCain would be slightly better... Anyway, as long as Hillary isn't anywhere near the White House. (a PLEASE don't let Bill within 300km of there...) I'm good. They all suck this year, but Hillary sucks the most. Also, if you want change, don't vote for Hillary. The only people I've talked to who say they're planning on voting for here are the old fogies and the unemployed people who mooch off everyone else. (I'm tslking about the people who are capable of working but don't, not those who are actually disabled and such) Tells you something when everyone in the "old croud" loves Hillary.....

btw, awesome vid dude.

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

Avinash_Tyagi said:
Also its interesting how people say they want to get away from the way politics have been for so long, and yet the first thing they ask is how much experience within the current system one has, yet the people who have the most experience in the current system are the ones who will least want it to change


Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

jankazimierz said:
I think its cause Matthews is a Clinton supporter, and Obama has spent his 3 years in the senate running for President, and hasnt done much work as a senator in that time.

As a daily watcher of MSNBC news shows, Matthews is as much a Clinton supporter as he is a McCain supporter. He is such an Obama cheerleader, you'd expect to see him at an Obama rally. Seriously, most pundits are *supposed* to be neutral - Fixed NOISE is excluded - but Matthews has been begging Obama on his show for a couple years now.

Obama is a relative newcomer to politics period. He got into politics to get more help for community programs ... and then he said 'Why not go higher?'

@ Retrasado - I love watching that clown get own3d. 

"McCain or Obama. ehh. both are bad imo, but I think McCain would be slightly better... "

That's my issue right now. In past elections I was forced to vote for the lesser of two evils. Let's take a look.

Al Gore (God what a joke) or Bush....

John Kerry or Bush... (The reason I believe Kerry lost is because he was running a smear campaign. He didn't give us enough reasons to vote for him. "I have plans" but wouldn't say what they were)

And now its Obama (Tell your daddy, tell or momma senator keys will beat obama. Greatest campaign slogan EVER!) Hilary Clinton or McCain

I really don't think there is any winning. Everyone might as well not vote.

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man, this is like a gamefaqs thread on politics. Quick somebody say "cry moar"!

I guess it's all good though, it's just alot of sarcasm, and little discussion of anything relevant. But i guess I can't complain about that, Just about all voters vote based on things other than actual policy and relevant facts. They vote based on who they like, or because it would be cool if there was a black president, or because this guy is a hard ass straight talker, or this person can really talk the talk, or they are endorsed by wheaties. And you can hardly blame them since it's pretty much a coin toss whether or not they will implement any policies they talk about. Who knows what they are actually going to do in office or be allowed to do by congress and the senate. Might as well pick the one you'd like to see on TV being made fun of by Jon Stewart the most.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

Cryoakira said:
FunKrusher said:

McCain while the front runner for the rep. party, I don't think he stands a chance being that he's pro war, and we already know where the majority of the US stands with that issue right now.

You know what ? You, americans, can be very frightening.

Your gov start a war and the vast majority of your country was "in" for this. And now, the majority is asking gov to pull out troops. But what about assuming mistakes ? Foreseing consequences ?

I mean, you rush a country where a dictator (put in place by the US), for all the horrors he did commit, was keeping a kind of stability and fighting extremists. You replace him by a shallow governement that will collapse ASAP US troops will go home, and be overtake by extremists.

In the end, Iraqi that wasen't a threat to the US will become a home for terrorism and therefore, a threat to the US and any other occidental country.

I know It's horrible for the families that have lost someone overthere, but is it really a good idea to pull your troops ? Is a candidate that make such a promise really having some foresight of the situation it will create ?

The decision might be good when you think with your heart, but not when you think with your head. And that's the role of a president, isen't it ?



First off yes I'm American and damn proud of it.  But you're generalizing when you say "you Americans were for the war."  I'm sorry but there wasn't a unanimous vote amongs "American Citizens" to go to war.  There wasn't even one in congress (the people who decide that sort of thing).  I've always been against the war personally not in hindsite. Hell I didn't vote for Bush TWICE.  But in any event.  I hate when people just assume because you're American you're all for the war and such.

Also yes people realize you can't just pull the troops out over night and say "Sorry, best of luck!"  But there has to be a plan on the table, vs. just sending more troops in with no time table or plan to get them out.  I'm not a military strategist or have any ide how much time it would take.  But someone at least willing to acknowledge this or put this or any type of withdrawl plan in motion, vs. just saying we need to be there indefinitly when we shouldn't have been there in the first place is a good start to me.

 Sorry that you consider me an my countrymen "scary" without actually having met any of us or had any types of relevant conversations with us about how we feel about life, death, children, and taxes but to each his own. - It is what it is!

Yeah I saw that fool on MSNBC.

Pissed me off.

Barack HAS done lots both in the Illinois State Senate in those 8 years and in the U.S. Senate despite his short time being there.

One notable thing he's gotten done which he mentioned in a January debate is making campaign contributions transparent and viewable by the public.

The talk that he's all fluff and no substance is not true. And if you want a direct example of this then check out all the videos in this link. Currently there are 698 of them.

I'll point out a few in particular.


Barack Obama on Ethics

Barack Obama on Iraq

Barack Obama on Health Care

Barack Obama on Education

Barack Obama on 60 Minutes

YouTube has plenty of individual users who have captured debates on TV and contrasted it with past statements he has made in different venues and they hold up. No flip-flop from this guy.

Whether from his official YouTube site or from regular YouTube contributors you can not only read what he stands for and what he has done but you can see and hear it too.

That idiot only gave fuel to those who like to keep up those "Barack's a talker" slights but that will not stop him in the long run. The biggest thing this guy's got going for him is his integrity. His intelligence and thoughtfulness behind it only makes it sweeter. They'll use that guy's silence as a way to sway voters but for his time in office he's done some remarkable things in matters of reform.

I don't doubt that he'll do the same in the White House. For once we got the real deal.

John Lucas

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot



chriscox1121 said:
People aren't attacking him, because they are too afraid of being pegged racist.

ENTIRE POST EDIT: I have edited this post (and several others) to more closely reflect how I now feel politically, while attempting to not remove relevance...  Chances are if this message is here, I don't agree with about 80-90% of what was said, thus portions have been removed... If the original post has been quoted, then I automatimatically revoke those thoughts and wish to replace them with what's currently posted in this post... If you are the person who quoted said post, then go ahead and change it if you would please. If you believe I have missed one, then please message me  in order to notify me.

 VERY VERY True. American Society has sucked now, especially for "white" people nowadays because of "racism"...

Auron said:
gapboi954 said:
Obama is full of crap. All he does is give promises but cant outline how he is going to achieve those promises.

Don't be a hater, if Barrack says there will be CHANGE then there will be CHANGE.


@ gapboi954: I agree Campaign promises are a load, esp. when they don't explain their plan, like Kerry.


@Auron: Don't feed into mindless propaganda with nothing to back it up... If I say that the Wii will get DMC4, just because I say it, doesn't mean it's gonna come true. Actions speak louder than words. Name ONE reason I should believe his words above any other canidate? because he yells what he says instead of talking in a normal voice? Because he says "CHANGE" over and over again in a repetitive form? Speeches are honored when you are the president, not running for it.