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Yeah I saw that fool on MSNBC.

Pissed me off.

Barack HAS done lots both in the Illinois State Senate in those 8 years and in the U.S. Senate despite his short time being there.

One notable thing he's gotten done which he mentioned in a January debate is making campaign contributions transparent and viewable by the public.

The talk that he's all fluff and no substance is not true. And if you want a direct example of this then check out all the videos in this link. Currently there are 698 of them.

I'll point out a few in particular.


Barack Obama on Ethics

Barack Obama on Iraq

Barack Obama on Health Care

Barack Obama on Education

Barack Obama on 60 Minutes

YouTube has plenty of individual users who have captured debates on TV and contrasted it with past statements he has made in different venues and they hold up. No flip-flop from this guy.

Whether from his official YouTube site or from regular YouTube contributors you can not only read what he stands for and what he has done but you can see and hear it too.

That idiot only gave fuel to those who like to keep up those "Barack's a talker" slights but that will not stop him in the long run. The biggest thing this guy's got going for him is his integrity. His intelligence and thoughtfulness behind it only makes it sweeter. They'll use that guy's silence as a way to sway voters but for his time in office he's done some remarkable things in matters of reform.

I don't doubt that he'll do the same in the White House. For once we got the real deal.

John Lucas

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot