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Auron said:
gapboi954 said:
Obama is full of crap. All he does is give promises but cant outline how he is going to achieve those promises.

Don't be a hater, if Barrack says there will be CHANGE then there will be CHANGE.


@ gapboi954: I agree Campaign promises are a load, esp. when they don't explain their plan, like Kerry.


@Auron: Don't feed into mindless propaganda with nothing to back it up... If I say that the Wii will get DMC4, just because I say it, doesn't mean it's gonna come true. Actions speak louder than words. Name ONE reason I should believe his words above any other canidate? because he yells what he says instead of talking in a normal voice? Because he says "CHANGE" over and over again in a repetitive form? Speeches are honored when you are the president, not running for it.