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Cryoakira said:
FunKrusher said:

McCain while the front runner for the rep. party, I don't think he stands a chance being that he's pro war, and we already know where the majority of the US stands with that issue right now.

You know what ? You, americans, can be very frightening.

Your gov start a war and the vast majority of your country was "in" for this. And now, the majority is asking gov to pull out troops. But what about assuming mistakes ? Foreseing consequences ?

I mean, you rush a country where a dictator (put in place by the US), for all the horrors he did commit, was keeping a kind of stability and fighting extremists. You replace him by a shallow governement that will collapse ASAP US troops will go home, and be overtake by extremists.

In the end, Iraqi that wasen't a threat to the US will become a home for terrorism and therefore, a threat to the US and any other occidental country.

I know It's horrible for the families that have lost someone overthere, but is it really a good idea to pull your troops ? Is a candidate that make such a promise really having some foresight of the situation it will create ?

The decision might be good when you think with your heart, but not when you think with your head. And that's the role of a president, isen't it ?



First off yes I'm American and damn proud of it.  But you're generalizing when you say "you Americans were for the war."  I'm sorry but there wasn't a unanimous vote amongs "American Citizens" to go to war.  There wasn't even one in congress (the people who decide that sort of thing).  I've always been against the war personally not in hindsite. Hell I didn't vote for Bush TWICE.  But in any event.  I hate when people just assume because you're American you're all for the war and such.

Also yes people realize you can't just pull the troops out over night and say "Sorry, best of luck!"  But there has to be a plan on the table, vs. just sending more troops in with no time table or plan to get them out.  I'm not a military strategist or have any ide how much time it would take.  But someone at least willing to acknowledge this or put this or any type of withdrawl plan in motion, vs. just saying we need to be there indefinitly when we shouldn't have been there in the first place is a good start to me.

 Sorry that you consider me an my countrymen "scary" without actually having met any of us or had any types of relevant conversations with us about how we feel about life, death, children, and taxes but to each his own. - It is what it is!