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man, this is like a gamefaqs thread on politics. Quick somebody say "cry moar"!

I guess it's all good though, it's just alot of sarcasm, and little discussion of anything relevant. But i guess I can't complain about that, Just about all voters vote based on things other than actual policy and relevant facts. They vote based on who they like, or because it would be cool if there was a black president, or because this guy is a hard ass straight talker, or this person can really talk the talk, or they are endorsed by wheaties. And you can hardly blame them since it's pretty much a coin toss whether or not they will implement any policies they talk about. Who knows what they are actually going to do in office or be allowed to do by congress and the senate. Might as well pick the one you'd like to see on TV being made fun of by Jon Stewart the most.

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