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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do We Still believe XBO can't pass WiiU 2014?

Mummelmann said:
Always believed it will, it's not guaranteed but I still see it as quite likely, people have been underestimating the One ever since new year's, it has shown that it is an actual saleable product underneath the price tag and ridiculous mandatory Kinect, with a sure-fire price cut in Q4 (the way I see it) and some more big games; it could do quite well for itself. Look at what Titanfall did almost on its own, there is obviously a market for it, whereas the Wii U has proven a challenge to sell even alongside system selling software and a price cut.
If it doesn't catch it in 2014, it sure won't be far into 2015 before it does.

This, and this is fundamentally the difference between WiiU and XB1 that some people can't get their head around. XB1 has a HUGE userbase of people to appeal to, WiiU does not. There are 100m+ PS360 users yet to upgrade, yes a lot of them will go PS4, but it still leaves a huge chunk for XB1. And as the poster above said, 4m units at $500 against the PS4 which is cheaper and generally has nothing but positive press, it's amazing. Imagine what it would have done if it had launched alongside WiiU instead?


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It will at the end of this year, there is no doubt about that.

i not understime the XBO, i just overstime the wii U.
I consider wii U can do much better than last year, and reach 12m.
But i think XBO can reach 12m too.

dont know who thought it wouldnt would like to hear why it wouldnt from them even w/o a price cut or TF the XB1 will pass it during the holidays this year

look at the facts 2013 WiiU 3.2M vs Xb1 3.1M and thats with one month for xb1


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I'll tell you after I see was MS has to offer at E3.

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sales2099 said:

5 months and counting?

What, you don't remember when people were saying it would pass Wii U by January, and then during January, and then February, and then Titanfall's release...Wii U has sold next to nothing, yet somehow it sells just enough to stay relevant. Back in the weeks after launch, if you said Wii U would hold second place into next holiday, everyone would have laughed at you. No one thought we'd even be having this discussion. It's a small victory, though it will require Mario Kart to make at least some difference for it to matter much.

BHR-3 said:
dont know who thought it wouldnt would like to hear why it wouldnt from them even w/o a price cut or TF the XB1 will pass it during the holidays this year

look at the facts 2013 WiiU 3.2M vs Xb1 3.1M and thats with one month for xb1

The Wii U has more games this year than they had last year. 

E3 has to be huge for both Nintendo and Microsoft this year. They both have a lot to prove, and I believe the success of their 2014 will be based off what they announce for the remainder of the year. I don't know why but I have a gut feeling that Nintendo is going to announce a September release date for Smash Bros. plus a holiday 2014 release date for Zelda U. Microsoft is going to have announce something major to have a chance of passing the Wii U this year.

"Games are a trigger for adults to again become primitive, primal, as a way of thinking and remembering. An adult is a child who has more ethics and morals, that's all. When I am a child, creating, I am not creating a game. I am in the game. The game is not for children, it is for me. It is for an adult who still has a character of a child."


Shigeru Miyamoto

HylianSwordsman said:
sales2099 said:

5 months and counting?

What, you don't remember when people were saying it would pass Wii U by January, and then during January, and then February, and then Titanfall's release...Wii U has sold next to nothing, yet somehow it sells just enough to stay relevant. Back in the weeks after launch, if you said Wii U would hold second place into next holiday, everyone would have laughed at you. No one thought we'd even be having this discussion. It's a small victory, though it will require Mario Kart to make at least some difference for it to matter much.

Nobody said that, you're gonna have to back that up with links. Heck until shipments/numbers, people were calling people crazy for thinking PS4 would do 5m by march. Nobody expected the same for XB1.

You've completely made that up IMO.


Mario Kart 8 and Smash Bros. tells me there's no way in heck that in can surpass it.