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E3 has to be huge for both Nintendo and Microsoft this year. They both have a lot to prove, and I believe the success of their 2014 will be based off what they announce for the remainder of the year. I don't know why but I have a gut feeling that Nintendo is going to announce a September release date for Smash Bros. plus a holiday 2014 release date for Zelda U. Microsoft is going to have announce something major to have a chance of passing the Wii U this year.

"Games are a trigger for adults to again become primitive, primal, as a way of thinking and remembering. An adult is a child who has more ethics and morals, that's all. When I am a child, creating, I am not creating a game. I am in the game. The game is not for children, it is for me. It is for an adult who still has a character of a child."


Shigeru Miyamoto