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HylianSwordsman said:
sales2099 said:

5 months and counting?

What, you don't remember when people were saying it would pass Wii U by January, and then during January, and then February, and then Titanfall's release...Wii U has sold next to nothing, yet somehow it sells just enough to stay relevant. Back in the weeks after launch, if you said Wii U would hold second place into next holiday, everyone would have laughed at you. No one thought we'd even be having this discussion. It's a small victory, though it will require Mario Kart to make at least some difference for it to matter much.

Nobody said that, you're gonna have to back that up with links. Heck until shipments/numbers, people were calling people crazy for thinking PS4 would do 5m by march. Nobody expected the same for XB1.

You've completely made that up IMO.