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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why Final Fantasy 15 can easily run on Wii U

i wanna propose something drastic. Lets just agree with him so he can never make another of these port begging threads again.

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oniyide said:
i wanna propose something drastic. Lets just agree with him so he can never make another of these port begging threads again.


Faust said:
gooch_destroyer said:
If you wanna play FF XV so bad; then get it on either PS4 or Xbone.

Dude, thats rude


How about a compromise: There's no way FFXV is coming to Wii U period, but maybe if you petition Square Enix instead of making posts about it you *might* just be able to get KH3 on the Wii U. Since that's the only likely scenario, and even that's probably not gonna happen.

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Xbox One - PS4 - Wii U - PC

VanceIX said:
How about a compromise: There's no way FFXV is coming to Wii U period, but maybe if you petition Square Enix instead of making posts about it you *might* just be able to get KH3 on the Wii U. Since that's the only likely scenario, and even that's probably not gonna happen.

He's probably not going to do that, as he doesnt even own WIi U so its much easier for him to just do this. Cant be looking like a hypocrite

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padib said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Zero999 said:

that's just wrong. I really don't know if people actually believe those games are superior than wii u titles.

what we've seen from mario kart 8, X, 3d world and bayonetta 2 simply crushes ps3's graphics. it's a visual thing, there's no denying.

How is any of this relevant?

Lets be real here, Wii U could run Final Fantasy 15 with significant downgrades, that much is practically indisputable. The only way it wouldn't be downgraded if it was something like rayman legends and developed on the wii u and up ported. That would hold back the game in general though. It would also be very stupid, I could explain why but you haven't asked why yet.

So assuming this game would be heavily downgraded, why on earth would you want the Wii U version? You would pay 60$ for the shittiest version of the game just because its on the Wii U? Or would you act like it should cost less because it has less content/quality despite the fact that its the console holding the game back not SE. Then when the game sells like shit because it was the worse versions of the game, you're gonna make a thread like "why was SE lazy with FF15 Wii U?" despite the fact that again its the hardware holding it back, you're gonna blame its poor sales on the quality of the port and when SE fails to break even on the Wii U your gonna be like "they shouldn't have ported anyway if they where gonna do a bad job: or "serves them right"

When people blame 3rd parties for doing a bad job, it's usually by removing features that were perfectly doable. I have no examples on hand, apart from Madden on the U which had players from the prior year. If you ask some other users like maher, they will give you the full rundown.

Another thing is that some people may want to get it on the U instead of on the PS4 in a region like Japan. Why you ask? Because many people are already buying the U for other games. That way, some people who may not be interested in PS4 games but like the FF franchise or just like what they saw in the commercials/trailer may prefer to spend only 40-60$ for the experience rather than ~$450 total.

I think that's the bottom line.

Might I ask who is claiming these features are perfectly doable? Is it perhaps the companies that are paying to put the port on the system? Cause if anyone but them said it was doable I would be hardpressed to believe them, unless they implimented themselves.

I mean, people buy Nintendo Consoles for Mario, why wouldn't they buy PS4/XB1 for FFXV? Don't be so greedy.

Why not Sony just make all of their exclusives multiplat. That way if you don't want a PS4 you can still play games like I:SS or something. Better yet, Why don't all big 3 just make all 3 of their games multiplat and on PC. That way nobody has to buy a console they don't want or even multiple consoles at all. Plus they get more software sales to boot.

Why is it Activision fault for not giving ghosts DLC on Wii U, why isn't it Nintendo's fault for having a shitty online marketplace?

Excuses/Defense breeds mediocrity.

I mean I could use your own faulty argument to ask why 3D world won't come to the PS4, the PS4 could easily run 3D world. With its high metacritic it would obviously do well on it and make Nintendo a lot of money.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Fusioncode said:
No, no it can't Zero. Not without major downgrades. You're too obsessed with resolution. The PS4 and XBO each have 8GB or ram, while the WiiU only has 2GB. That isn't just going to hurt the graphics, it will affect level size, number of enemies on screen, AI intelligence, and so on.

At least someone is thinking straight here.


The few snippets we have seen so far look around PS3 level, the rest was target render/ CGI .

So yes, I think it could be downscaled to WiiU/PS3 hardware.

padib said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Zero999 said:

that's just wrong. I really don't know if people actually believe those games are superior than wii u titles.

what we've seen from mario kart 8, X, 3d world and bayonetta 2 simply crushes ps3's graphics. it's a visual thing, there's no denying.

How is any of this relevant?

Lets be real here, Wii U could run Final Fantasy 15 with significant downgrades, that much is practically indisputable. The only way it wouldn't be downgraded if it was something like rayman legends and developed on the wii u and up ported. That would hold back the game in general though. It would also be very stupid, I could explain why but you haven't asked why yet.

So assuming this game would be heavily downgraded, why on earth would you want the Wii U version? You would pay 60$ for the shittiest version of the game just because its on the Wii U? Or would you act like it should cost less because it has less content/quality despite the fact that its the console holding the game back not SE. Then when the game sells like shit because it was the worse versions of the game, you're gonna make a thread like "why was SE lazy with FF15 Wii U?" despite the fact that again its the hardware holding it back, you're gonna blame its poor sales on the quality of the port and when SE fails to break even on the Wii U your gonna be like "they shouldn't have ported anyway if they where gonna do a bad job: or "serves them right"

When people blame 3rd parties for doing a bad job, it's usually by removing features that were perfectly doable. I have no examples on hand, apart from Madden on the U which had players from the prior year. If you ask some other users like maher, they will give you the full rundown.

Another thing is that some people may want to get it on the U instead of on the PS4 in a region like Japan. Why you ask? Because many people are already buying the U for other games. That way, some people who may not be interested in PS4 games but like the FF franchise or just like what they saw in the commercials/trailer may prefer to spend only 40-60$ for the experience rather than ~$450 total.

I think that's the bottom line.

nobody in this thread is from Japan

padib said:
oniyide said:
i wanna propose something drastic. Lets just agree with him so he can never make another of these port begging threads again.

I'd like to propose something even more drastic: being honest for a change.

im being dead honest. and im sure some people are too, thats whats sad.